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Quest- Hub of the problem


New Member
This quest has me going into a Vault Tech building and looking around for a replacement Comms thingy. I get there, and search the place several times, but I can't find anything that allows me to finish the quest. I didn't see anyone post about this on the forums so I GUESS nobody else has a problem with this...

Any advice?
Is this the trick of the basement? I am trying to remember. DO NOT.. I REPEAT DO NOT LEAVE THE basement cell. Makes it super angry and I wasted 2 hours of a game doing this. I didn't realize to click the rugs and then the button
That's actually been BY FAR the one quest that's caused the most problems for people. (which, to be honest, given the name of the quest, I find funny on some level)
There are four things you must find once you get into the "sub basement" Prey just mentioned:

  • the "printing press" that's producing ASAMs
  • the holotape in the Novice-locked back room (can't be looted, but trying to will call Jake over for HIM to take it)
  • the "Vault-tec Comm Hub" that needs power
  • the technical documents on the desk next to the "Vault-Tec Comm Hub"
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I can't get in the basement. There's no card at the location to do so.
That's meant to be on a named Legendary Ghoul that spawns up on the top floor of the building, did he not spawn for you?
(that guy, the ID card, and the 'normal' basement that grants you access to, are actually all base-game; SS2 just adds the "sub-basement") May not be correct after all
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Well... I might have added a mod that dynamically changes ghouls and their items. I didn't intend for the mod to do that much, I was just looking to make them look better. The mod changes their items, and from what you say, legendary spawns. I figured it wouldn't, since it's a quest monster, but it seems to have done that anyway.

I guess I have to add said keycard directly to my inventory via cheats?
Well... I might have added a mod that dynamically changes ghouls and their items. I didn't intend for the mod to do that much, I was just looking to make them look better. The mod changes their items, and from what you say, legendary spawns. I figured it wouldn't, since it's a quest monster, but it seems to have done that anyway.

I guess I have to add said keycard directly to my inventory via cheats?
You might nearly have to, sadly. And I can't seem to find the item ID (Google is literally only turning up results of other people being stuck on this same quest).
So I looked up what the original Vault Tec Regional HQ looks like, and there isn't a lock normally. I'm gonna say SS2 adds one. Someone from their team, who knows/made the quest is sure to know the item code for the elevator key. There isn't anything I can find about cheats to bypass something like this. Until someone from the team gives me some codes to use- either to access the elevator or complete the quest entirely, I'm stuck it looks like...
Really? I couldve sworn that was always there. I guess it's just been that long since I went in there unmodded. (not like any other quests really send you there after all)
So I looked up what the original Vault Tec Regional HQ looks like, and there isn't a lock normally. I'm gonna say SS2 adds one. Someone from their team, who knows/made the quest is sure to know the item code for the elevator key. There isn't anything I can find about cheats to bypass something like this. Until someone from the team gives me some codes to use- either to access the elevator or complete the quest entirely, I'm stuck it looks like...
  • SS2_MQ07_VaultTecOfficeElevatorKeyCard "Elevator ID Card" [MISC:0200E99D]
  • Player.AddItem xx00E99D - Replace xx with the load order index position of SS2.esm, click Jake in console menu to see the first 2 digits easily or use Help "Elevator ID Card" 4 MISC to probably see exactly what it is.
Before going down the elevator make sure the cutscene on top floor with Jake while in Magnusson's Office has happened, otherwise the quest may be likely to break after going down the elevator. The 2 most common causes are probably that or entering via the back door.

Well... I might have added a mod that dynamically changes ghouls and their items. I didn't intend for the mod to do that much, I was just looking to make them look better. The mod changes their items, and from what you say, legendary spawns. I figured it wouldn't, since it's a quest monster, but it seems to have done that anyway.
I'm curious which mod that is, it might be one for the Mod Conflicts / Semi-Compatible section on the Wiki if it turns out it consistently causes the legendary ghoul to not have the keycard.
The mod is called D.E.C.A.Y- Better Ghouls (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2500)
From what I gather about the mod, it changes the loot drops of the ghouls, adds recipes to the game to enable crafting of the new loot, and changes the ghouls appearance. I looked at the mod conflict section for SS2 on the wiki and saw no mention for changes made to ghouls/ghoul loot tables. I'd be surprised if I'm the first person to have SS2 and DECAY in the same game. But it seems like I won't be able to progress in the SS2 storyline if this ghoul doesn't appear and Jake doesn't have his cutscene (unless I'm misunderstanding something).

Thanks for the reply VersusXV! I'll see what I can do with the info you have provided and post the results here asap!
The mod is called D.E.C.A.Y- Better Ghouls (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2500)
From what I gather about the mod, it changes the loot drops of the ghouls, adds recipes to the game to enable crafting of the new loot, and changes the ghouls appearance. I looked at the mod conflict section for SS2 on the wiki and saw no mention for changes made to ghouls/ghoul loot tables. I'd be surprised if I'm the first person to have SS2 and DECAY in the same game. But it seems like I won't be able to progress in the SS2 storyline if this ghoul doesn't appear and Jake doesn't have his cutscene (unless I'm misunderstanding something).

Thanks for the reply VersusXV! I'll see what I can do with the info you have provided and post the results here asap!
The wiki sadly doesn't list everything, only the stuff they thought of when first writing it. I'll give a pre emptive warning now, if you have anything that makes The Gunners harder to fight... it won't stop the mod FUNCTIONING as such, but you might regret that one too.
The wiki sadly doesn't list everything, only the stuff they thought of when first writing it. I'll give a pre emptive warning now, if you have anything that makes The Gunners harder to fight... it won't stop the mod FUNCTIONING as such, but you might regret that one too.
Thanks for the heads up! I don't believe I have anything like that. I have a weapon damage balance mod, and an increased headshot damage mod- that shouldn't give them too much of a leg up (hopefully). I'm currently watching anime with a friend so testing will have to wait a few hours.
legendary ghoul
IIRC, that is a unique actor. I wouldn't think any mods would change that, well at least if it isn't on purpose....
But it seems like I won't be able to progress in the SS2 storyline if this ghoul doesn't appear and Jake doesn't have his cutscene (unless I'm misunderstanding something).
Did you search everywhere in the top floor of Vault Tec HQ? The Legendary Ghoul spawns in one of the offices. Also when you were at the top floor, after the Mangnusson's terminal scene, Jake should have had some dialog about needing a key card.

I guess the better question is, did you get a scene with Jake at the reception terminal on the first floor? Part of that scene has a ghoul that pops out from under the desk. That ghoul needs to be "dealt with" before the quest can proceed. After that you get the objective to search the building for clues. This leads to the Legendary spawning on the top floor.

This post has the quest objectives listed:
That's meant to be on a named Legendary Ghoul that spawns up on the top floor of the building, did he not spawn for you?
(that guy, the ID card, and the 'normal' basement that grants you access to, are actually all base-game; SS2 just adds the "sub-basement") May not be correct after all
I had to go back to an old save and redo my search of the building to make the legendary ghoul spawn, myself. This quest definitely gave me the most trouble (some of it was my fault for temporarily jury-rigging a way to have extra companions). Once I got rid of the extra person and went through it again, the ghoul spawned for me.
I had to go back to an old save and redo my search of the building to make the legendary ghoul spawn, myself. This quest definitely gave me the most trouble (some of it was my fault for temporarily jury-rigging a way to have extra companions). Once I got rid of the extra person and went through it again, the ghoul spawned for me.
Should've added that my biggest issue was that Jake would start walking with me to the building, then turn around a walk back to the weirdos in the amphitheater lol
IIRC, that is a unique actor. I wouldn't think any mods would change that, well at least if it isn't on purpose....

Did you search everywhere in the top floor of Vault Tec HQ? The Legendary Ghoul spawns in one of the offices. Also when you were at the top floor, after the Mangnusson's terminal scene, Jake should have had some dialog about needing a key card.

I guess the better question is, did you get a scene with Jake at the reception terminal on the first floor? Part of that scene has a ghoul that pops out from under the desk. That ghoul needs to be "dealt with" before the quest can proceed. After that you get the objective to search the building for clues. This leads to the Legendary spawning on the top floor.

Hmm, I remember Jake entering the building and saying something, but no ghoul. And the legendary ghoul never spawned, and didn't make itself known while the cutscene was playing. He did say something along the lines of "We're not alone in here", and then screamed "GHOULS!". I remember that much because all I could think of was, "Yeah Jake, lets wake up every single ghoul in the building while we're at it.". The quest never said anything after entering the building- it just says "Investigate the lead Jake received".
Well, I just entered the building again to try the elevator key cheat and Jake has done something new! I had the building cleared and searched before, and when I reenter he is behind the counter of reception and converses with me while checking out a terminal. Now the objective reads "Find Magnusson's office in the Vault Tec Regional HQ". Gonna keep going and update this post once I get there!

Edit: Frank Davidson, our legendary ghoul, seems to have spawned in the office! And he has the elevator key! Ok, so this is all very interesting- let me post my experience thus far...

1. Entered Vault Tec Regional HQ after meeting Jake at the Amphitheater.
2. Jake says something along the lines of, "Were not alone in here" and "Ghouls!".
3. I cleared out the area, no legendary spawn, no elevator key.
4. I leave the HQ, I do another quest (Getting a clue-Killing Kellog)
5. I reenter the HQ to do some cheats to get around the door, but surprise! Jake progresses the quest and Frank Davidson is on the top floor with the elevator key!
But here's the kicker- Frank the ghoul has all the loot that a normal ghoul from the DECAY mod would normally have, on top of the quest item.

Ok, so I can get in the basement. And, there's nothing. The basement has a terminal with 2 logs that are pretty standard for vanilla FO4, and there is a button that does nothing when I press it. Jake is there with me, but does nothing... Well here we go again! What a wild ride!

What next guys? XD
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