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Workshop Framework ideas...

Mystical Panda

Well-Known Member
These might already be included, but I though I'd toss them in just in case:

1) If settlers are limited to both beds and charisma(both set at the same time) get the lowest value of both and set the limit to that. Using a conditional ElseIf block wouldn't take into consideration which one was less without two seperate conditionals- where beds < charisma, and vice versa. Using a single 'priority' ElseIf where, let's say charisma would take precedence. If bed count is off, use charisma and if bed count is on use that value completely ignoring charisma(I believe it does this already).

2) Allow the user to enter the maximum settler value directly(can also be limited by item #1). This will let users manually drop the number of setters down, let's say on a less powerful pc, when, when needing less settlers than charisma + perks, or bed count.