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Warwick Homestead Bugs for RotC


Cluttered Mind
Verified Builder
Vault Librarian
Please post bugs specific to Rise of the Commonwealth and Warwick Homestead in this thread.
This is a problem in a couple settlements.
The collision of the Junk Fence will keep a settler from using a martial plot that is above the fence. In testing, all that is needed is to make sure the fence is past the curve of the plot marker. The one below needed moved 10 units (Place Everywhere). The martial plot overlooking the cars was move out past the plot and everything worked.
There is one at Kingsport too.
Fallout 4 Screenshot 2018.01.02 -
Thanks for the heads up, I'll throw it on my todo list to fix as time allows.
I dont get any new settlers in warwick. things i tried: refresh, retake and reassign new leader. demolish, place a new beacon with dedicated generator. Place a sleeping bag for Wally.
Then i noticed the beds counter in building mode kept switching from 5 to 6 and back to 5 again
Also Wally Warwick doesn't build a home for himself and wont work ( slacker ) :) . He gets stuck in plots all the time.
June Warwick build a house but doesn't work ( unassigned )
Both June and Wally cant be assigned manually
2 settlers died when they fell off the main building during construction.

Deacon is the leader
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