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Not a bug unsheltered bed


while trying to fix/pinpoint unhappiness cause, 1 of the cause is due to unsheltered bed.

trying to "refresh local plot" is the general step to attempt resolve it.
though i did twice the refresh local, still got 2 unsheltered bed.

i found a post about how to chk:
Click on the bed and type getav 334, and it returns 1.00 for a sheltered bed and 0.00 for an unsheltered bed.

assuming if this command does telling whether the bed is sheltered or not, i found 2 SS unsheltered bed
- [ss] corrugated yurt by kinggath
- [ss] wasteland lounger by kinggath

both are level 3

ps: i can't put link or image in the post by forum rule
So I checked both of these out and they each do have a working sheltered bed. You might try moving the plot and then moving it back. Use the refresh command from the ASAM. Using the Immersion Breaker Breaker if the ASAM has not spawned. It's been awhile and there have been several patches, let me know if this is still an issue.
Thank you