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Toggle Quests, Tools, and Systems


New Member
First, I want to preface by saying I've enjoyed SS2, and I mostly enjoyed playing through the story. I also appreciate that this mod is a massive undertaking involving a lot of people who have done amazing work. The voice acting has been great, and the attention to detail (even small things like Lupe getting up to close the conference room door) has made the quests exceptionally good.

That being said, I have had some issues with SS2 in general and Chapter 3 specifically, and not just because of the bugs that are still being worked out.
  • Setlements (or settlers) forcibly removed without any option to attempt to save them (primarily losing the "main" settlement in the first Gunner attack, despite having enough turrets etc to fend them off. Losing settlements during the time-skip in Ch3 is somewhat understandable since the Player is unavailable.)
  • Forced to use the assault system when I can walk into a settlement and clear it myself (by forced, I mean the settlement doesn't return to my control unless I use the assault).

For my suggestion, I propose a couple possible options, some of which may be more feasible than others:

1. Add a toggle to the 2078 holotape that lets players toggle chapters or the entire questline on/off. I.e. stop Jake from ever showing up, or stop the big message at the end of Ch2, or stop all of Ch3 from happening.
2. Add in code (if it's not there already) that recognizes the player killing all hostiles as successfully clearing the objective, even if the binoculars/flares aren't used to start an assault. In other words, let the player clear settlements manually like I can in vanilla.
3. Alternative to #2, Allow players to toggle the "Assault" functionality on/off outside of specific quests.
4. I think this was mentioned in a stream before, but release a stripped-down "Framework-only" version of SS2 that only contains the settlement-building, tools, and other systems, and give players the ability to toggle each system on/off (i.e. Settlement building, HQ framework, Assaults, etc).
I failed the assault tutorial several different ways that mostly involved me doing too much...
altho the 'successful' run did involve me using a fatman to wipeout the lot of em. (I mean, they were all just clustered together........)