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Old Post Taxes question


New Member
how are caps distributed between settlements w tax/maintenance system? If one settlement has a surplus and another has a deficit, is that surplus applied to the other settlement if i have a provisioner or IDEK logistics station between the two? I tend to specialize settlements.

ex: sanctuary is built up as a commercial center (lots of shops, high level housing), whereas tenpines bluff is industrial (lots of advanced industrial plots w turrets and power). will the extra money produced at sanctuary be used to pay tenpines deficit if they are connected with a trade route?
They aren't distributed at all that I am aware of - they go into that settlement's workshop. You would need to visit, collect, pay off deficits/donate yourself. I know there was a mod once that created a cap safe that pulled all caps into the safe, which you could build anywhere (so access anywhere in settlements). It wouldn't pay deficits though or donate automatically.