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Not a bug Starlight Drive In


New Member
Verified Builder
Is there some sort of work around for when Starlight Drive In won't auto build? Soon as I leave the tiny building in which the workstation is stored my workshop interfaces closes. I used to be able to use "resetquest patch_1_6" and this would fix it. Nothing really worked this time, although I did get the building area to be active but only after installling Starlight Drive-In Fix Created by Nexus8226 also Xenic. So I can build, just cannot get the auto build menu to pop after assigning a leader.

There is some visuals on my last video on my YouTube channel if you want to google Desert Cities Episode 9 Fallout 4 at about 16:15 where I see the leader, then successfully assign him as the leader then... nothing.. Not really a new bug, and this was an old one that has nothing to do with SS but, not being able to fix it with "resetquest patch_1_6" is new to me.
I'm not sure what you mean by auto-build, Starlight does not currently have a plan associated with it.
I'm not sure what you mean by auto-build, Starlight does not currently have a plan associated with it.
When you assign a leader and then the next menu pops up about tear down everthing and building. The tear down and rebuild pop up which is followed by the cinamatic buidling scened, never happens. This is the what I am refering to as the autobuild stuff, because it automatically builds the basis for the city.
As tankthing says, there isn't a city plan for Starlight Drive-In yet, which is why you don't get the cinematic and the auto-build of a city. The pop-up is there for future city plans.

The wiki has information about which settlements have city plans so far.

EDIT: with patch 3.1.3 there is now a Starlight city plan! So if you get the latest versions of SimS and RotC all should be fine.
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