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No Response Some questions for more experienced settlers


New Member
Comrades im very curious about following things in SS:CQ , thank You for any answer:
1) Can prebuilt cities be partially decounstructed by us after conquering ? IE: if i choose to raid Abernathy , or Starlight etc. can i scrap some plots and decorations without bad consequences?
2) How can i change vassal to outpost if i simply change my mind , or to change vassal into outpost ?
3) I observed that raiders actually can farm a agriculture plots at outposts pretty well, if so do i ever need any slaves in outposts ? I assume raiders can work at industrial plot or comercial one too. They also have nothing against working at base resources or scrapyards , also the ones given by other mods. that's pretty cool.
4) How can i get slave collars, is it automated after creating vassal, ie. all settlers in newly created vassal settlement wear collars? What it gives at all , i mean what is real purpose or advantage of having settler collared ?
5) Im almost sure that we can shoot anyone [ i men generic settler / raider ] in outpost or vassal without being attacked by rest of our group , is that true or future feauture?
In the end as Raider OverBoss - in my case Socialism based Raider gang - leader should be able to make such last stand decisions without arguments from his minions!
6) Is there are any sense beyond cosmetic to use residential plots [ beyond taxes in maintance mode on ] in settlement [outpost or vassal (with vassal control on ) ] , at lot of locations it is much easier to handmade our own "residential" plots ie. build a barracks with many beds etc. to save space.
And following that, is it possible to create item which will give our own created " residential " plot a tax value of default residential plot built into SS.
IE: i built foundation, walls and door + roof - call it home , place 20 beds inside and furniture and i want to tax it by number of beds placed etc.
Is that can be done in the future?
There is huge ammount of fun in making plots by yourself dynamically in the game .
7) What is with scout feature, where do i need to scout [ i understand it is done by simply discovering prebuilt settlement in the world after Raider Questline when we conquered first settlement for Jammer ] settlement for it to be able to show in potential RAIDS list at warplanners desk.
1: To an extent. You can remove the city plan, apply a city leader, and apply a city build, then remove it before anything is built. This is done through the City Planners Desk (Not war planners).
2: Use the change main base option in the War Planners desk.
3: Latest updates gives happiness penalties for doing this.
4: Crafted through the war planners desk.
5: You can shoot them, but if you're caught, your raiders can attack you.
6: Bunkhouses are far more practical.
7: You answered it yourself.