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Save Manually, Save Often


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
One thing you will definitely want to get in good habits with during this contest, is making save files!

  1. Save often! I'm sure this goes without saying playing a Bethesda game, but it's especially true here as it will save you a lot of time if you decide you don't like a direction you went in your settlement and want to roll back a bit quickly.
  2. You can save your file with a specific name from the console! Simply exit workshop mode, bring up the console and type save somefilename and it will make a save file named whatever you type after save. This is really useful when you're creating the earlier levels so you can put the level in the file name. IMPORTANT! Remember to exit workshop mode, or it won't actually create the save!
  3. Make backups! Your save files are stored in Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Saves, they have the file extension .fos (if you have F4SE installed, you'll also find smaller .f4se files which are not your actual save), it's a good idea to periodically back these up somewhere. I especially love to do it after I start working on my earlier levels, that way I don't accidentally save over my level 3 city!
  4. Keep them forever! Your save files end up being key to generating and updating City Plans, so hold on to them. It makes it much easier to make changes to your City Plan in the future if you decide to release them publicly. If your City Plan ends up in the Megapack, we'll need copies of all of your level saves to work from.