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Raze My Settlement


Well-Known Member
I just recently started using Raze my settlement, and it seems like a lot of the shrubs and other clutter in the commonwealth have disappeared.
I thought it was my imagination, but I don't think so. Anyone else have this happen?
If the static collection of objects, like a cluster of trees, has been 'culled' then I'd venture a guess the area to clean is approximate based on workshop id and not on the actual workshop boundaries- but don't quote me on that one. If the 'cluster' disappears and re-appears from differening agles... I'm not totally sure as I have that here also.
Disregard - it is back. I verified my game files on Steam and it seems there was an issue there20230705131700_1.jpg
There wasn't any grass anywhere in the commonwealth. :lol
every thing was just smooth grass. I used the screen shot that I accidentally took prior just to see if it was different.
If anybody can break something, it's me. My boss, in a former life, used to have me test all the new software, cause if there was a way to break, I would find it.
I just recently started using Raze my settlement, and it seems like a lot of the shrubs and other clutter in the commonwealth have disappeared.
I thought it was my imagination, but I don't think so. Anyone else have this happen, link
It's great to hear that you're enjoying Raze My Settlement! Modifying settlements in games like Fallout 4 can bring a whole new level of customization and enjoyment to the gameplay experience. Regarding the disappearance of shrubs and clutter in the Commonwealth, it's possible that Raze My Settlement may have modified the environment or affected the spawn rates of certain objects. Mods can have different effects on the game world, and it's not uncommon for them to make changes to the appearance or behavior of in-game elements. As for other players experiencing the same phenomenon, it's difficult to say without further information. You could try reaching out to the mod's community or forums to see if others have encountered similar changes in the game environment after using Raze My Settlement. Sharing your experience and discussing it with fellow players can provide valuable insights and help you understand if the changes are intentional or a result of the mod's mechanics. If you are looking for applications to watch movies or play entertaining games, you can refer to the Modtodays link to be able to download the best and free applications.
It's great to hear that you're enjoying Raze My Settlement! Modifying settlements in games like Fallout 4 can bring a whole new level of customization and enjoyment to the gameplay experience. Regarding the disappearance of shrubs and clutter in the Commonwealth, it's possible that Raze My Settlement may have modified the environment or affected the spawn rates of certain objects. Mods can have different effects on the game world, and it's not uncommon for them to make changes to the appearance or behavior of in-game elements. As for other players experiencing the same phenomenon, it's difficult to say without further information. You could try reaching out to the mod's community or forums to see if others have encountered similar changes in the game environment after using Raze My Settlement. Sharing your experience and discussing it with fellow players can provide valuable insights and help you understand if the changes are intentional or a result of the mod's mechanics. If you are looking for applications to watch movies or play entertaining games, you can refer to the Modtodays link to be able to download the best and free applications.