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Fixed Random settlements and tracking notifications


Firstly, at the start of the game, I got Egret Tours Marina for free, which is an odd bug.


Is there a console command to remove my control over that settlement?

Secondly, take a look at this:

I've been getting tracking notifications from the auto-building independent Conqueror system settlements.
Hi Axonum!

This one is a known issue related to how you gain ownership of Egret (it's weird compared to other settlements). The team is working on a solution.

The console commands you're referring to are:

setpv OwnedByPlayer False
setpv VisitedByPlayer False

The other console option is to travel to Egret, enter the console, click on the Egret Tours Marina workshop (the red bench) and enter the command:

callfunction "setownedbyplayer" false

However, either option may or may not be safe and could have problematic side effects. For example, using either may force you to use console commands to re-acquire the settlement as well. You should use these at your own risk.

The markers I haven't seen yet, but it may be an unexpected interaction between RotC holotape settings and Conqueror's auto build code. I'll have to defer to the more knowledgable people on that one.
The Egrets issue was fixed a couple patches back. The tracking issue is fixed for 4.0.4.