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Quickest Way to Unlock/Clean-up the Castle and Artillery (for SS2 and WSFM)?


New Member
TLDR: Can you use mods or console to unlock and clean the Castle and craft Artillery?

I am trying to build some settlement templates using Workshop Framework using a dummy save. Basically I create a character, enable godmode, and build my settlements ahead of time. I export them, and when I make my real save run, I import them.

The reason I do this is I've borked a few good runs with mods (especially SS2) and if I over build or use a bad city plan its hard to recover. So I do a test run to make sure my crazy settlements don't corrupt a save with 100+ hours.

I use mods, bat files, and console commands to complete most quests to the point I can build everything.

The one thing I have been unable to do is unlock artillery and the castle. I have to more or less be Preston's minion and do at least a few MM quests. This gets funky when you use WSFM to unlock all the settlements. Then you have to unlock the Castle, then do Old Guns.
I always do a heavy MM run regardless, so this is becoming pretty tedious over the years. I can unlock and clean up the Castle with "Clean my Settlement" and "The Castle - Disable Eggs" mods. Then I just disable the door.

Where I get stuck is getting the Artillery plans unlocked to add it to my settlement plans. I've tried using console commands to start "Taking Independence" and "Old Guns" but at the end of the day I just end up breaking that save.

Anyone know a good way to do this quick without doing a half dozen MM quests?
The best things I found so far was:

SKK Fast Start Minutemen
Cheat Terminal

I was never able to get the "Taking Independence" option working with SKK FFM but after RTFMing and looking at the forum posts there are some tricks you wanna do before talking to Preston.
  • Get to Level 20
  • Unlock Sanctuary and 4 other settlements. I did a "killall" console command at the Castle to clear it out.
  • Then go talk to Preston. He'll give you "Taking Independence" right away.