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Suggestion QOL Suggestion Thread 2020


Active Member
Another year, another Quality Of Life suggestion thread.

Old, Outstanding ones:
  • "Draw your weapon!" feature for town meeting gavel: basically, this would cause all settlers to draw their weapons for 30-60 seconds. Why is this useful? For when you want to arm your settlers. The reason arming settlers is such a pain in the ass is primarily due to Beth's 'brilliant' idea to do away with having weapons holstered on the hip or back, and instead just have them hammerspace all their weapons, so you can't tell who's packing an AK47 vs who's still running around with pipe pistols unless something bad pops up or you go to each and every settler and check. This would make that simpler by being able to quickly identify who's carrying what instead of having to inspect each and every settler.
    Since auto-arming settlers is out of the question without F4SE, this would be the next best thing.
  • Corpse Removal Plot/Feature: Not Sim Settlements related per-se, but would be good to have nonetheless. There is the Mr Tidy mod that does this. Plus, while not automatic, Amazing Follower Tweaks does have its own "corpse removal" feature.
  • Settlers quit complaining about food/water when you have supply lines giving it to them. I think they do now? Not sure.
  • "Stop tracking this plot" option: Turns tracking for that one particular plot off. For when you want a mine to stay a mine, or you plan on upgrading it later but you don't have the requirements for it, and don't want to be reminded of it on your tracking quest.
  • Agri Plots that aren't L4 compat say so in description: I made a minimod for it. Someone needs to merge this into the main MegaPack 1 file.
    L4 Lack Warning for Megapack 1. Basically what this does is give a small warning in the descriptions of agri plots from mods (IE Home Improvement) that were made before Industrial Revolution (and by extension, the Tool and Dye Shop that allows for L3->L4 Agri Plot upgrades.) No more putting down old agri plots and wondering why they aren't upgrading to L4.
New QOL Requests:
  • (Conqueror) Option in MCM for Lower/Upper rank Vassal Guard selection: Basically, an option to tell Conqueror to prioritize either lower or higher ranks when selecting soldiers to leave behind in a vassal to occupy it after a successful raid. Because in my experience, it for some reason wants to heavily prioritize the upper ranks to turn into guards. Thing is, I want those to be spearheading my assaults, not babysitting vassals. So it's really annoying having to unassign them then replace them with fresh recruits all the time.