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Possible Bug: Old Paul stuck on the road after Casting A Line


New Member
It seems like Old Paul wasn't pleased with my choice to pay caps to bribe the raiders during Casting A Line, and chose to stand at the meeting spot and not to go back to Sanctuary. I tried to bump into him to force him to move, but he's firmly rooted there. I went back to Sanctuary and slept a day, but he still did not return. I reloaded the save I made right after checking in with The Stranger, but Paul still had no gumption to go. The only way I fixed him was to reload my save prior to speaking to the raiders and killing them instead of bribing them. Maybe his script just kind of stalled when he wasn't called upon to fight? Or maybe it was because I knew what was coming and didn't actually approach him at the meeting spot so he didn't get a chance to admonish me not to go in all gun ho? I did reload the save a couple of times to test outcomes, perhaps that caused it, I'm not sure. But, he's back in Sanctuary now, so all is good, but someone else who didn't save just prior and has that happen is going to be a bit peeved.
He did that to me during a playthrough when I made the same choice. I tried moving me using the console and he pathed back to his set location by the Raiders- I checked, then dusted him seconds later.