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Primary Bug Report Picking Up the Pieces - Quest fails to advance and Jake becomes non-interactable after "Check in with Jake"


New Member
Hi, I listened to the radio and went back to Jake and he gave me orders, but when looking at the quest, it still says to listen to the radio. How do I update the quest?
Went to visit Jake after hearing the radio message, he explains his plan for the salvage beacons, MALA walks by, Jake finishes his piece, and then nothing. The quest does not progress, I do not recieve any beacons in my inventory, no locations on my map and the quest does not update from "Check in with Jake".

I re-tried with lots of spare inventory space thinking I couldn't recieve the beacons due to not enough inventory space, but that did not work.

Any one ele encountered this issue?
I am also stuck here as well. MALA is either invisible (I have to go around her) or stuck in the upstairs door! Jake just now called her and that was where it hangs. I tried to reload 3 times, same result. Jake will not speak to me and MALA will not "appear". The bad guys are dead if that's a part of the quest. I am not sure.ScreenShot2.png
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Any news from Kinggath or from who ever made this quest? Is this Mod related or do people with no mods / small load order have issues with this quest? It's frustrating to wait for the story to continue because it's impossible to advance because this quest is stuck. I don't want to revert back to older save because I have atleast 70 to 80 hours game play with this character after the issue...
Any news from Kinggath or from who ever made this quest? Is this Mod related or do people with no mods / small load order have issues with this quest? It's frustrating to wait for the story to continue because it's impossible to advance because this quest is stuck. I don't want to revert back to older save because I have atleast 70 to 80 hours game play with this character after the issue...
So to answer myself and anybody else having trouble with this quest; I used a console command "sqt" It showed a list of active quest. Fron this list I seached any quest that could match "picking up the pieces" quest. Only one even remotely close was SS2_sirick_MQ14. SS2 obviously being SimSettlements2 and MQ MainQuest, sirick I have no clue but this was enough. So SS2_sirick_MQ14 was this quest that was broken / stuck. Console command "ShowQuestStages SS2_sirick_MQ14" brings up a list up quest stages for this particular quest. From this list I saw that stage 55 was complete and next stage would be 60. Next I used console command "SetStage SS2_sirick_MQ14 60" AND A MIRACLE! Jake immediately wokes up from his emerald dream and started talking to me again and gives my next objective...

So I don't know if my game is now broken or the quest but for now it seems it moved forvard as intended. I'm yet to proceed to these new locations or objectived so I'm not sure if it works so if you use this method don't blame me if it brakes something but it's one solution :) Have a good one...
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Glad I came here and read this ,just came back to Fallout4 after 2 years or so and yep Jake gave me the cold shoulder, tried punching him nothing kicked the robot around for a while and ..still nothing went backwards 3 days and still stuck .. then you and your post came along and saved the day ..Thanks ..