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Patch 2.0.3 - Ban Hammer


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Patch 2.0.3 is available now!

This patch has changes for Sim Settlements and Industrial Revolution - be sure to update both.

Adds the ability to ban building plans globally or at a settlement level so you can pre-determine which plans your settlers have access to so you don't have to micromanage each building.

Click here for the full patch notes.
Settlement Refresh is TONS faster now!

Added settings to allow beds (Beds are Homes) and non-plot jobs (All Work Counts As a Job) to count towards upgrade requirements, which will also allow them to fill the HUD meters.

Thanks so much for this.

I was wondering about this yesterday; in some settlements is incredibly tricky to fit enough plots to home and employ everyone.

Thanks to OP for implementing it and thanks to you for pointing it out. I totally missed this one!