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No Plots Constructed at Oberland Station


New Member
Posting here for visibility as the Oberland Station specific thread seems to be a few months stale:

I've run into a new issue tonight. I started a settlement at Oberland Station and after the cutscene for construction, i noticed there are 0 plots anywhere in the settlement. All of the foundations and walls/etc are there, but not even one residential plot. I've tried using the data refresh in the tools menu of the holotape and doing a city refresh and still nothing.

After a few hours of testing, it seems to just be OS right now. I built at RR with no issue. I also tried hangman's ally and modded Vault 111...all seem to be placing plots down. I tried OS with different leaders (Codsworth/Connie Abernathy/Marcy Long) and still no plots of any type.

As a last try, I waited for a couple days so that the Leader would have time to physically travel from Sanctuary to OS. After they arrived and I visibly saw them at the planning desk, I then waited another 3 days and still no plots were constructed of any type.
The bug report thread is where to post these bugs... even though they may seem old.. they're brought front & center on every new post. :)
Couple things..
How many settlers were there when you launched the city plan?
Did more arrive during the waiting you did?
You can also check that a mods hasn't mucked up the workbench.
Open the console, click on the workbench which should show 9b1d1 in the center of the screen.
Then type sv hit enter and scroll up looking for Workshop ID= XX (XX is unique to every installation)
IF it says -1 you have a mod that has mucked up the workshop.
Hi, Thanks for your response. I went back and followed the suggestions you outlined. My workbench ID looks to be 31. When I launched the city plan there were the two initial settlers. One thing I found odd, is that even though there were only 2 settlers and a dozen tato plants, there were also about 6 "visitors" hanging around (horticulturalist, bookworm, etc). Once the plan "finished", another 3 actual settlers arrived. Still no plots. (radio beacon/generator/watersource were all present in addition to the framing)

I went back to a previous save from last week...still no plots. I'm currently trying a new game to see the results. I'll post here again once i've gotten far enough to go back to OS.
Well after a few hours on a brand new save, I can report it is now working at OS. I went through and tested Sanctuary, RR, GreyGarden, Tenpines, Abernathy, Hangmans, Drive-in, and Oberland. All are functioning.

I did not remove any mods or make any changes other than starting a new character. It would seem then something is broken in my save file :( Not sure what I'm going to do about that.
It's things like this that makes one pull hair out.. the reason I keep mine to short to grab. LOL!