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Mod list and load order with SS2


New Member
Hi to everyone,
I'm not lucky with the game this time because everytime I solved a problem to crash the game, the day later I've a new problem with crash to desktop. Now again, solved the problem with "Old Guns", close the game near the Federal Ration Stockpile for a Minutemen radiant quest, today I load the savegame and immediately crash to windos, I tried to disable other mods and still continues to crash to windows during the loading of the game. I'm a little tired of these problems.
Then, I desire to know how mod, and the load order, you guys have active in compatibilty, of course, with SS2. I reinstalled the gameonly for SS2 and I want to play it, but I would have some mods to expanse the game experience like "Diamond City expansion", "Welcome to Goodneighboor", "Better Drumlin Dinner" and "Old Time Religion".
I'm curious to know if you use all the addon for SS2 or only someone.
My load order is kind of a mess and I don't have it right now but yeah, using all the add-ons. Though you don't have to use them, all of them add something cool you might want and a lot of them add a metric ton of stuff.
All the mods you listed should be fine but the order is what really matters. And you might get CTD's from stuff you don't really think about, like having classic holstered weapons and a ton of 4K textures on every modded weapon everywhere (along with skin faces outfits armor and a giant forest that's turned into a warzone, and a combat AI improvement mod) would most probably cause one.
My load order is kind of a mess and I don't have it right now but yeah, using all the add-ons. Though you don't have to use them, all of them add something cool you might want and a lot of them add a metric ton of stuff.
All the mods you listed should be fine but the order is what really matters. And you might get CTD's from stuff you don't really think about, like having classic holstered weapons and a ton of 4K textures on every modded weapon everywhere (along with skin faces outfits armor and a giant forest that's turned into a warzone, and a combat AI improvement mod) would most probably cause one.
Thank you very much.
Now I reduced my load order in:
1) Unoficcial FO4 patch;
2) Hudframework;
3) Workshop framework;
4) SS2;
5) SS2 chapter 2;
6) Repaired Roofs;
7) Old time religion;
8) SS2 addon Institute settlement;
9) SS2 addon Tiny living;
10) SS2 addon Scrappers;
11) SS2 addon Wasteland reconstruction kit;
12) SS2 addon Homestead;
13) SS2 addon Bare essentials;
14) SS2 addon Unlock vanilla vendors;
15) SS2 addon Walled gardens and more;
16) SS2 addon Whisper's power plant;
17) SS2 addon Superstructures;
18) SS2 addon Vault-Tech tools;
19) SS2 addon Wasteland venturers;
20) SS2 addon Far Harbor expansion;
21) SS2 addon Rise of the Commonwealth;
22) SS2 addon Apocalyptic additions;
23) SS2 addon Jampads;
24) SS2 addon Pra's random;
25) SS2 addon So I made plans;
26) SS2 addon Ruined homes and gardens;
27) SS2 addon Rags and riches;
28) SS2 addon Concrete defensible positions;
29) SS2 addon Plain plans;
30) SS2 addon Blue's Minutemen flag pack;
31) SS2 addon Industrial revolution of wasteland;
32) SS2 addon Fences2;
33) SS2 addon Junk Town2;
34) SS2 addon Junk Town extreme;
35) SS2 addon Caravan snatex;
36) SS2 extended;
37) SS2 plan "The Castle rebuilt Minutemen HQ";
38) Commonwealth on-air;
39) Minutemen's general uniform;
40) Goodneighbor expanded;
41) Better settlers;
42) Better settlers face only;
43) Militarised Minutemen; - disable until I take the Castle
44) Militarised Minutemen uniform patch and insignia addon; - disable until I take the Castle
45) We are the Minutemen; - disable until I take the Castle
46) WAT-MiM patch; - disable until I take the Castle
47) More where that came from Diamond City;
48) NPC travels;
49) Easy hacking;
50) Soldier starter;
51) The Sanctuary bridge;
52) Recruitable settlers;
53) Recruitable settlers Far Harbor;
54) Recruitable settlers leader for SS2
55) Minutemen sentinel;
56) Diamond City expansion (italian translation);
57) Diamond City expansion; I don't know the rason, but I can't move it up the translation
58) Diamond City patch;
59) Atomic Radio;
60) Tales from the Commonwealth;
61) Settlers of the Commonwealth;
62) Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth DLC;
63) SS2 chapter 2 patch for Tales from the Commonwealth.

After these, I desire to install various plans for settlements. I love mods who add new storyline or expands original settlements.
For now no crash and I'm happy.
SS2 main file already includes extended, I'm pretty sure. Unless you're running the non-extended version but I guess that means you've installed it twice? Might want to look into that. Other than that, looks fine?
I check, then, when I download SS2 main file, if it most recent than SS2 extended I'll disable this last one.
For now I'm at the start of the game and I've not seen any problem.