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Martial law quest


New Member
So early in my play through I took Hangmans alley. To make my life easier I did a scan all and ended up with 'Aidens note' in my inventory. I thought nothing of it but now that I'm doing the quest marital law it seems that even if I read the note, it won't trigger the next step of the quest. I also tried dropping it and picking it up. Any suggestions? Or am I just gonna have to force skip this part?
I'll make a ticket for this. In the meantime, you're likely going to need to use a console command to get by.

Can you run: sqs ss2c2_mq19 and tell me what stage is set?
I'm guessing the note is just hidden on the plot behind a wall or something and is just moved into place during the quest and since I used the scrapall command it was removed. I ended up putting it in a container in Sanctuary hills when i emptied out a bunch of my Misc inventory (to make it easier to find new stuff) and I'm guessing because it wasn't in the hangmans alley area it wasn't placed and broke the quest.
Aiden's note is near Vault 81 iirc. So you've scrapped everything scrappable from Hangman's to there. It would probably be safer to use the "raze my settlement" mod instead of scrapall.
I'm wondering if this can potentially break other moments, such as if you do it in Red Rocket which presumably is close enough to Concord... Not tested though.

I agree that Raze My Settlement is a much safer way of doing it, and plays nicely with SS2.

I made a ticket regardless - perhaps some kind of failsafe can be made. No ETA there, but figured it was worth the suggestion!