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Question Junk Workbench broken?


New Member
Essentially, in JW it costs double the components to make a Junk item as you get from breaking them down. That's normal.
The bug is that Junk Workbench breaks those items themselves to take components to allow you to make the same item from.
Essentially, if you have a ton of Chalk - it shows that you have twice as much Asbestos
So when you try to make more Chalk, if will keep breaking 2 existing Chalk into 4 Asbestos so that you can make 1 Chalk for 4 Asbestos in return.
Craft Chalk long enough and you will be left with 1 Chalk and 1-3 Asbestos in your inventory, no matter how many you started with.
Please forbid the Junk Workbench from breaking apart the same item you are producing for parts to produce it with.