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[Industrial Revolution] Stuck with steel mills


Vault Librarian
I upgrade my advanced industrial plots manually. The iron mine appears to have only 1 upgrade: the steel mill. All the others always have 2 options. I understand that some industry unlocks other types; so I've tried mixing iron mines with several other industrial combinations. Yet I'm always stuck with the sole choice of the steel mill.

Is there an alternate branch? If so, what combination unlocks it? More broadly, is there a documented tech tree? I've tried the wiki, but didn't find anything.
I upgrade my advanced industrial plots manually. The iron mine appears to have only 1 upgrade: the steel mill. All the others always have 2 options. I understand that some industry unlocks other types; so I've tried mixing iron mines with several other industrial combinations. Yet I'm always stuck with the sole choice of the steel mill.

Is there an alternate branch? If so, what combination unlocks it? More broadly, is there a documented tech tree? I've tried the wiki, but didn't find anything.

In another thread, kinggath insinuated he is holding off on posting the tech tree while a) he does other stuff and b) we play and explore and figure out what we can by ourselves
I'm a big fan of secrets in games, so I'm leaving the tech trees undocumented for a little while. I'm also looking into a means to actually show you the tech tree in game, so that might be the way I finally unveil the secrets (if that doesn't pan out, then the wiki will have to suffice).
Thanks for the responses. I guess I'll play around and see! (if you can show the tree in-game, kinggath, that'd be so cool).

I think part of the issue is the inability to switch branch mid-tier. For example, it could be that a "mystery mine" (tier 2) unlocks the second iron mine branch, but as I got the steel mill first, I can't see the now-unlocked branch (via ASAM). Of course, I could demolish and rebuild the iron mine. But upgrades take ages - despite throwing in every drop of scrap into stockpiles. Perhaps there should be a speed-up if you've already unlocked the branch?
Hint: You need to get one of the other advanced industrial buildings to Lvl3 before the 2nd mine branch opens.
Ahhhhh, thank you for the tip, JtBryant! You've saved me some headscratching.
Well I only narrowed it down to 16 possibilities, although you should be able to rule most of them out since they wouldn't make since a dependency for "******* ********** Facility." :whistle:
I definitely recommend putting the holotape setting for Upgrades Advanced to manual. That way you can get a building ready to upgrade, but just don't trigger it until you're ready to check if a new path unlocked. You can then cancel out if it's not unlocked and try again later.
Ah, I just figured out the required industry to get the other lvl 2 iron mine. I wish there was a way to see the dependencies once you discover a building rather than just making every possible building and having to guess what the dependencies were. Like I'm trying to build a settlement focused on making processed fuel and want to upgrade the farms to lvl4 but I don't know what the dependencies are to upgrade the buildings once the stockpile and time requirements are met.
As I mentioned above, I'm hoping to find a nice looking method of displaying the tech trees in game and showing you the details as you unlock them. The options we have right now for the UI are really limited, so I'm trying to come up with something that's not just a bunch of text.
Yay! Finally got a different iron mine upgrade! I won't spoil the surprise here; I'll just echo JtBryant - tier 3 buildings can unlock tier 2 buildings. So if you upgrade everything to tier 2; then tier 3; you won't see all the options (as I did. Commonwealth-wide. *Head-desk*.) Thanks for the help, everyone (and kinggath, for making the best mod since Frostfall :))
As I mentioned above, I'm hoping to find a nice looking method of displaying the tech trees in game and showing you the details as you unlock them. The options we have right now for the UI are really limited, so I'm trying to come up with something that's not just a bunch of text.

Even a printable version that we can look at while playing would be nice as well :)