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Primary Bug Report General - Conflicts and missing cell data in FO4Edit

From a response I have seen from KG on the Nexus page, this will be fixed, but not right away. He is trying to fix stuff that stops progression right now.
1. I've noticed that SS2 disables a lot of precombines. Is it absolutely necessary?
2. Do we need to patch this new cell name "<ID=0001A86A>The Third Rail", "<ID=0001D5C3>Dugout Inn", etc... into our mods?
3. Goodneighbor LOD flags, music and environment map is deleted from worldspace data. Is this intentional?
KG has stated that will be fixed, but probably a little later. He is working on patching game breaking issues right now, and then will get into that.
Couple more along these lines which would be helpful for patchers - do the location "Partial Forms" need to be preserved?
Asumming we can overwrite these lighting records as well?
Obviously not hot-fix stuff/no rush.
thanks team!
Couple more along these lines which would be helpful for patchers - do the location "Partial Forms" need to be preserved?
View attachment 9878
Asumming we can overwrite these lighting records as well?
View attachment 9879
Obviously not hot-fix stuff/no rush.
thanks team!
I was wondering about this as well the rest isnt a issue for me but the partial forums and null stuff I’ve been avoiding messing with when I look at it cause I’m not sure if changing it will break anything on my end.

the blank stuff I have just been overwriting without issue so it shouldn’t be a big deal.
There are about a dozen or so cells that are affected as of v1.0.2a. More or less it is dirty edits, because the CK is so much fun to use..... Its similar to the cell conflicts caused by DLC01.