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Fish Farm & Boat Shack


Active Member
Fish Farm by MrJoseCuerro (level 3) & Boat Shack by KarmaKimmy7 (level 3) with my additions I have added to the outside of the shack to make it more homely. Even ship wheels on the fence.

Fish farm20170605171933_1.jpgFish and baskets added 20170605171952_1.jpg Added a toilet, shower and basin area. Seeing its a outside shower added bathrobe not to shock the neighbors :shok1:shok1 20170605172018_1.jpgCooking area and relaxing - covered so you can cook in the rain 20170605172030_1.jpg Level 3 Boat shack 20170605172042_1.jpgBouys hanging to dry
20170605172112_1.jpgEven a old washed up fishing boat in the background. The story is he had to build his fish farm after his boat sunk. Once a fisherman always a fisherman.
20170605172137_1.jpg The fisherman in his fishermen gear and even the cats are hanging around waiting for fish.20170605172221_1.jpg
This is great! I really like the setup on the shower area. And I am definitly going to so something similar with a cooking area since I am a big fan of BBQ. The wheels are turning......