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Feedback on SS2, post-Ch3 after several full play-throughs


Active Member
First, I'd like to say I really love the Sim Settlements mods. Been using them since the original came out, and was excited to see the release of SS2 and watch the mod continue to expand into new chapters. I've completed SS2 about two dozen times now (several being pre-Ch2, a few pre-Ch3, and quite a few post-Ch3), so I've had the opportunity to see the mod grow and expand and constantly add new content that really extends the longevity of the game.

I do understand that it can be a challenge to get everything working properly. And once players start combining SS2 with a bunch of other mods, the load on the game can cause havoc on the SS2 system and cause many other various issues. Still, I think the overall performance and constant bug fixes/patches is working better than most of the vanilla BGS content.

So with that being said, I felt I'd post some issues that I've noticed below. Some of these issues are only being noticed "recently", but some of them have been there for quite a while. I'm not going to be doing any particular order, just noting things down as they come to mind.

1) HQ, Office level - The "communal kitchen" that's built next to the larger cafeteria has a door that's misaligned. I first noticed the issue when Ch3 and the HQ was first released, and figured it would get patched fairly soon. But here we are, quite a few patches later, and it's still an issue. Not sure if it's been reported as a bug yet, and it's honestly not a room that I venture to often. But it would be nice to find out why it keeps getting placed slightly misaligned and see a fix added for it.

2) HQ, Hangar - The upgrade to the Military Department Office (Salvador's office) which adds in the eyebot/robot work area downstairs is missing some objects. Things are floating, and it appears a table, desk, or shelf is supposed to be there but isn't appearing. Been an issue that I noticed on HQ initial release, still there on latest patch.

3) HQ, misc - Multiple rooms in the HQ have doors that open outwards, which would be better set to an inwards-opening door. Currently, when those doors are open, they either clip through another door or object, or they tend to block AI pathfinding and NPCs get stuck on the open doors.

4) HQ, Basement - In the far back room, which I guess is next to the water treatment room, there's a water purifier similar to those in the water purification room. When that room is converted into a living quarters, the water purifier object remains and is clipping through other stuff in the room like seats.

5) HQ, Hangar - There's some "trash" stuff that never gets cleaned up, even after "B's Cell" is added later into the questline. There's shipping containers, pallets, debris, etc outside of the room below the Military office, and the protectron stations behind the fence are never cleaned out or restored. Doesn't make sense that they'd clean up everything else, but leave those areas with trash.

6) Ch3, War - After a recent update, it seems like the player's flag choice is properly updating on settlements, outposts, and territories. But one "issue" that I've noticed is that territories and other locations not held by the player still show the default flag. Sometimes, although rarely, a location will show the flag of the faction controlling it, but most of the time I've only seen those faction flags during the "cutscene" where you see the old flag burn and get replaced by your faction flag. This makes it quite difficult to see from a distance which faction currently controls a location. Shouldn't those flags be showing who controls that spot? For example, if the Gunners hold a territory, the flagpole there should be flying the Gunner flag. It would make it a lot easier to determine which locations are priority targets, especially when tasked to take Gunner locations as part of the quest.

7) Ch3, War - Adding to the point above, some locations seem to be "mixed control" at times. For example, I'll use the binos to view a location, and see a few raiders near the territory flag. So I assume that location is controlled by Raiders. Yet once I initiate an attack on that territory, multiple Gunners will spawn in. In reality, that location was "flagged" as being Gunner-controlled, but the Gunners don't spawn in until the attack mission has started. Sometimes the original occupants (in this example, raiders) will just despawn, other times they'll remain and start fighting with the Gunners.

8) Raiders in Concord - As long as I can recall, even back before Ch2 was released, raiders are constantly spawning back in outside of Jake's shop in Concord. Even after Ch3's updates, with Concord being "fortified" with walls and gates and plenty of armed settlers, those stupid raiders keep respawning almost every time I travel back there. Doing a FT to the Museum, I'm getting shot at before my game has even finished loading in.

9) Mass Bay Medical - After the Nightingales have taken over and "cleaned up" the hospital as their new base, hostile Gunners keep respawning back outside the main entrance. It's usually the Sniper up top above the entry, and a couple on foot at the base of the stairs or near the bus. I recall in previous play-throughs at one point they weren't hostile, assumed it had to do with the peaceful solution to "Calling ER". But lately, they are always hostile, and keep respawning after a while.

10) Ch3, War - I like the new option to assign a specific uniform to your troops. But it doesn't seem to be working half the time. I did read the notes, and it mentions that some loadouts will not include your selected uniform. And I don't see an option anymore to change the default loadouts. I'd really like to see ALL of my soldiers wearing their correct uniforms, with the obvious exceptions such as medics. And when I do use the option to change their uniforms, I'll see several troops not only change their uniform, but also their weapon loadout. A guy wearing some ghetto trashbag parka but holding an auto laser rifle will properly be handed the military fatigues I selected, but his weapon is then swapped to a sledgehammer. Often I'll see troops equip the proper uniform once they level up, but newer recruits will often be seen without my selected uniform. The whole point in a "uniform" is to maintain a uniform, faction-wide appearance (hence the name). But when half my forces are wearing something other than I assigned, I wonder what's the point in even selecting something at all?

11) Outposts and City Plans - There's an issue that I've noticed quite a bit recently regarding settlements that are initially assigned as an outpost, but later built up using a city plan. Even though the settlement is properly flagged as an outpost, the map icon shows it as an outpost, and the building menu only shows outpost-locked plot types, building a city plan will install vanilla plot types and from my experience they will not auto-convert to outpost-only plot types. If I plan to capture a settlement as an outpost, I need to Liberate it first, build the city plan, then convert it to an outpost. I don't think it's script lag either, I've let those settlement/outposts sit for days and still the restricted plot types (commercial, agri, etc) are still not getting converted.

12) Default City Plans - One thing I've noticed with SS2 since launch, don't recall if it was a problem in SS1, is that the current default city plans are "doubling" the non-scrappable beds found in some settlements. I'm absolutely NOT a fan of those non-scappable objects, and the beds/mattresses are a huge PITA. But all of the default city plans not only leave those beds in place, but they actually duplicate them. This causes two beds to be placed almost directly on top of each other, although sometimes you can see the newly-added bed/mattress is slightly off. For those of us that don't use mods like Place Everywhere, those beds simply can't be scrapped. In the past, I would just select those beds and disable/markfordelete them, but was told that's a bad thing to do. And having those doubled beds appears to be causing problems with settlement bed counts. While you might sometimes see a settler using one of those beds, one will always be assigned while the other isn't. It's like the settlers are unable to use one of them, and that causes settlement alerts for "not enough beds" and settler happiness suffers from it. I also see other issues, such as power pylons clipping through others, floating power connectors that I guess were supposed to be attached to something that has since been scrapped (such as a tree), plots not being wired or missing a pylon entirely, interior plots being placed on top of existing furniture, etc.

13) Ch3, War - Something else that I've noticed, I keep seeing new game mechanics that were added with Ch3 not following my selected choices. For example, I set the option to only send non-injured Warriors on attacks/raids. But I am constantly seeing support troops joining in territory attacks, and on a few occassions it has assigned that support soldier as a territory guard, taking them away from their original assignment. I've also been building up a lot of POW plots, and frequently do show 1-2 POW were taken after a territory capture, but the outpost POW cells largely remain empty. I am sometimes seeing "captives" walking around my outposts, some of them will show the prisoner interaction option but others only show the talk option. I can't recall ever seeing a POW actually locked in a cell, they all just freely roam around my outpost like any other settler.

I don't intend for this post to be a complaint rant, simply pointing out some of the issues that I've seen. If anyone wishes to comment on the issues I've mentioned, feel free.