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Old Post Error in cpconverter


Active Member
Verified Builder
I get back this msg: You must include a final blueprint.

What I did was filling out author and description and finding the blueprint I made of my settlement build. I checked top 2 boxes, as that seemed right to me. Clicked Create ESP file and got that msg.

So this is my first time trying this, as it looks "easy" enough for an old geezer like myself. Just that I dont understand what I did wrong. I didnt make a blueprint of how empty it was when I started my build, simply didnt think about it.

Please help.

I've got a saved gamed work in progress on Nexus if you're interested to have a look.
Update on problem. This happens in Microsofts Internet Explorer, as it was/is default pdf-reader.
It does work in Chrome.
Sorry no one got to this before you sorted it out. I don't have as much time to browse the forums as I used to and I doubt anyone but me can answer these questions. Feel free to tag me with @kinggath if you run into problems with the web tool in the future!
It unfortunately works for me in IE. So it's going to be a tough one to fix.

I'm on version 11.431.16299
ME bad. Double up. Have Microsoft Edge version 41.16299.402.0
Sorry, cant tell their icons apart
I'll add it to my list to look into - in the meantime: IE, Chrome, and Firefox all work well.
Thank you @kinggath
What happened here was that a new PC with windows 10, no Adobe Reader installed, chose Microsoft Edge for me. The "old" IE seems to be gone in newer Microsoft.

In any case, glad to have contributed in a small way.