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Resolved Does this desk make my butt look big?


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It's hard to fit it into the "Classy City Planner Desk?" Maybe the chair shrunk?
Maybe the desk is just making her look that way? :beee

Maybe I have a camera setting issue so just trying to see if anyone else is having this problem.

Hailey here seems to have two problems.


1. Her butt is too big to set at this desk anymore. Kind of. Sometimes she is able to jitter her way in. Maybe the shotgun between her legs is too close to the chair or something?


2. It's so big it seems to be causing ergonomic issues and she is having problems seeing the screen.


As you can see. I am able to squeeze her into to the chair sometimes. The screen issue is only this desk.

I did try rotating the computer a bit - might have helped the getting in the chair issue a little. I did re-set and scrap the desk several times and did try the same outside.

Just wondering If anyone else is having this issue?

Love the mod! Nothing I can't deal with in-game, even if it means cutting off Hailey's supply of SugerBooms! :ok
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Really didn’t want to cause any frustration. Figured, a little humor would be good if it was something other than my own “head-space & timeing” yes an old 50cal ref. Just wanted too let you know so no worries.. I do still really like the desk.:good
No, this desk is just a serious headache. Nothing to do with you.
no worries. I think if Ronnie was a real, a CSM to some General or some such, she would say the whole situation was damm funny.:mosking but never admit it, just have a little smirk and hide it with another drag of her cig.

it’s all good. the desk with all the workbenchs is your real master work of function , at least for me. You could do something else with this one but that one, I would really miss.
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