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Not a bug Conqueror new game popup appearing too soon


Active Member
The popup for the new Conqueror settings often appears too soon. While starting a new character to test it out, I often found the popup appears either when the screen is still black, or when it's gone white. Either way, I can't see anything. I find that I had to restart the game multiple times in order for the popup to appear at the correct time.
There have been reports that spending too long in character creation is a problem. Might want to create your character and save it as a preset to load.
I don't think you get it. It's not even letting me get to the character creation before it pops up. A lot of times it pops up when it's still fading in.
Can you post your mod list? Conqueror currently waits for the Mirror Scene to complete, so I don't know how it could happen before then unless one of your mods is messing with that sequence.
It varies from profile to profile.

I have a couple of suggestions for possible failsafes.
  1. The First menu (the one that asks you what your graphics settings are) would have an additional option at the top (so that if it tries to appear before or just after the movie, the default option is this) called "ask me later". In which it tries to delay it by about 30 seconds. Or until the second failsafe is triggered.
  2. Manual Bathroom Trigger: Essentially insert a roll of toilet paper activator object on top of the toilet that acts as a manual trigger when activated, just in case the menu doesn't show (or you delay it via the above one). Once conquest starts loading however, the first thing it'll do is eliminate this object.