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Question Companions and some animals don't work like they should.


New Member
Started a brand new game right after installing this mod.

Tried this mod several weeks ago and the same problems happen so uninstalled this mod and went in over the last 2 weeks getting rid of any mods that effect companions buf for the affinity one and had the same problems.
Got rid off all mods that effect companions but for the affinity one and again my game no longer plays as it should.
Placed this mod just below UFO4P like it said it should go.
Preston just walks back to his home base once I stop to look at things in a area, he will follow me until I stop for a fight or a settlement where someone talks to him and after that he will just walk back to his home settlement and stop following me but still set as follower.
Yao guai just stand in one place not moving even when being shot either from close up of far away.

Take this mod out and everything works as it should.
I have no mods that effect any type of animals or companions ecept for the affinity for companions.
"No Negative Affinity and No Affinity Cooldown"

It said on the nexus to report bugs here but no thread for bugs is posted that I could find so posting in this thread.


I can leave the settlement for 10 days with 5 settlers working on 30 food and have 40 water but when I come back only 10 water is in the work bench, this mod has really screwed up how settlements work. Another settlement with 7 settlers working on 30 food and has 80 water and still only 10 water is there after many days of being away.
Only reason I have this mod is because 1 other mod requires it I will soon quit playing this save and then take out both mods and mark them as not working in my game until this gets fixed.

ADD Again:
After getting the first 3 settlers none have arrived in over 20 days so I turn that function off and another 30 days go by without 1 single settler showing up.
Over 50 days without 1 single settler showing up in any base affter placing a radio becon.
This mod breaks a lot of things in vanilla fallout 4.
To bad so many mods require this mod to work being as broken as it is.

I can remove this mod on another save and everything works as it should but once this mod get ativated it breaks to many things from settler to companions.
I have 4 of the large water for a total of 160 water and only get 10 a day out of them, broken.
1 large water = 10 water per day.
2 large water = 10 water per day. (Once I got 12 but since then back to only 10.)
3 large water = 10 water per day.
4 large water = 10 water per day.
All tested with only 5 settlers in the settlement and this settlement is not linked to any other settlement.

Per Loot on load order.
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 WorkshopFramework.esm
9 9 AAF.esm
254 FE 0 Bememoth Separated Cart.esl
254 FE 1 TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
254 FE 2 TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
254 FE 3 CellRespawnMod.esl
10 a CleanMySettlement.esm
254 FE 4 Raze My Settlement.esp
254 FE 5 Yagisan_SSSL_Home_Plate_Settlement.esp
11 b MB_Homeplate.esp
254 FE 6 DrumlinTradingPost.esp
12 c TheSlogExtraFloor.esp
13 d SOMERVILLE Homestead.esp
14 e UniqueNPCSettlers.esp
254 FE 7 AcadiaInteriorSettlement.esp
15 f Corrunda's - Taffington Boathouse.esp
16 10 Cleaner Nuka-World Environment.esp
17 11 Remove Interior Fog - All Dlc.esp
18 12 Raider Children.esp
19 13 CWSS Redux.esp
20 14 Marmo1233 - Immersive Settlers.esp
21 15 Clean Water - Tropical.esp
22 16 CTHHostileNPCs.esp
23 17 DPFarHarborFree_NORMAL_WEATHER.esp
24 18 FarHarborSettlement.esp
25 19 NoAffinityCooldown.esp
26 1a NoNegativeAffinity.esp
27 1b Insignificant Object Remover.esp
28 1c SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp
29 1d CBBEFix.esp
30 1e CBBE.esp
31 1f CBBEHeadRearFix.esp
254 FE 8 CCOCaitCorsetReplacer.esp
32 20 CCOCheekyCasualsCraftable.esp
33 21 CCOFoxyFactionsCraftable.esp
34 22 CCOSaucySettlersCraftable.esp
35 23 CCOSilverShroudReplacer.esp
36 24 CCOVulgarVillainsCraftable.esp
37 25 Children's Beds.esp
38 26 SnapBeds.esp
39 27 SchoolDeskObject.esp
40 28 LooksMenu.esp
41 29 NoVanillaRadiantDLCLocations.esp
42 2a Actor Scale Remover.esp
43 2b Child Posters.esp
44 2c ChildrenofGoodneighbor.esp
45 2d DiverseChildren.esp
46 2e Orphans.esp
47 2f SimpleSettlers.esp
48 30 SimpleSettlers-MostlyFemales.esp
49 31 PTBodyVanillaClothes.esp
50 32 Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp
51 33 Children Extended.esp
52 34 DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp
53 35 Multiple Floors Sandboxing.esp
54 36 MiscHairstyle.esp
55 37 piperpiper.esp
56 38 caitcait2.esp
57 39 curiecurie40.esp
58 3a AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
59 3b AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
60 3c AAF_SEU.esp
61 3d Atomic Lust.esp
62 3e CumNWealth.esp
63 3f CumNWealth_mutant.esp
64 40 Custom Moans.esp
65 41 Deathclaw_nude.esp
66 42 DogLove.esp
67 43 FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
68 44 FO4_Leito_Voicefix.esp
69 45 FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
254 FE 9 FamilyPlanningEnhanced Child Patch.esp
70 46 Mutated Lust.esp
71 47 Rufgt's Animations.esp
72 48 SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
73 49 Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
74 4a Zaz Particles.esp
75 4b Far Harbor Weather.esp
76 4c PowerArmorHoarder.esp
254 FE a BetterInteriorWorkshops.esp
77 4d KC-DC.esp
78 4e STARCORES.esp
79 4f Children of Fallout.esp
80 50 SKKWorkshopUtilities.esp
81 51 JessicaChildCompanion.esp
82 52 ChildrenofBunkerHill.esp
83 53 rxl_bp70_animations.esp
84 54 The Collector's Guides AIO.esp
85 55 SettlementNakanoResidence.esp

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Definitely appears the animal and preston issues are likely due to some conflict - could very well be loose files as msalaba suggested.

As far as the food/water production - Bethesda had a bug in their code. In the Workshop scripts, there is a system that caps the amount of food and water so that you are only meant to receive a small amount past the number of settlers you have. At the point of production, they only check that the current food and water is under that limit, and then do full production - rather than capping production at that limit. Based on the notes, variables, and function names - this was clearly a mistake.

You can also tell that it's a mistake because it feels like an exploit when you can spam water producers and become rich instantly in the game selling purified water.
Just to start with, it is hard to help anyone unless you post your load order. You say you have no "mods that" but the people who will reply to you are very very knowledgeable and they will likely know if you have mods that affect things.
Yes the mod seems to enhance a vanilla bug that messes with water and food production, not sure how but it has been reported before.
Your complaints about how NPCs behave sound like a NPC pathing problem. I play on Xbox mainly, so this may not apply but we see this pathing issue from improper load order of scrapping and settlement mods. Not just improper load order though. One particular scrapping mod does it if you over build several settlements, again that is the reason you need to post your LO and please post it order correct, not just the mods you are using.
Per Loot on load order.
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 WorkshopFramework.esm
9 9 AAF.esm
254 FE 0 Bememoth Separated Cart.esl
254 FE 1 TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
254 FE 2 TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
254 FE 3 CellRespawnMod.esl
10 a CleanMySettlement.esm
254 FE 4 Raze My Settlement.esp
254 FE 5 Yagisan_SSSL_Home_Plate_Settlement.esp
11 b MB_Homeplate.esp
254 FE 6 DrumlinTradingPost.esp
12 c TheSlogExtraFloor.esp
13 d SOMERVILLE Homestead.esp
14 e UniqueNPCSettlers.esp
254 FE 7 AcadiaInteriorSettlement.esp
15 f Corrunda's - Taffington Boathouse.esp
16 10 Cleaner Nuka-World Environment.esp
17 11 Remove Interior Fog - All Dlc.esp
18 12 Raider Children.esp
19 13 CWSS Redux.esp
20 14 Marmo1233 - Immersive Settlers.esp
21 15 Clean Water - Tropical.esp
22 16 CTHHostileNPCs.esp
23 17 DPFarHarborFree_NORMAL_WEATHER.esp
24 18 FarHarborSettlement.esp
25 19 NoAffinityCooldown.esp
26 1a NoNegativeAffinity.esp
27 1b Insignificant Object Remover.esp
28 1c SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp
29 1d CBBEFix.esp
30 1e CBBE.esp
31 1f CBBEHeadRearFix.esp
254 FE 8 CCOCaitCorsetReplacer.esp
32 20 CCOCheekyCasualsCraftable.esp
33 21 CCOFoxyFactionsCraftable.esp
34 22 CCOSaucySettlersCraftable.esp
35 23 CCOSilverShroudReplacer.esp
36 24 CCOVulgarVillainsCraftable.esp
37 25 Children's Beds.esp
38 26 SnapBeds.esp
39 27 SchoolDeskObject.esp
40 28 LooksMenu.esp
41 29 NoVanillaRadiantDLCLocations.esp
42 2a Actor Scale Remover.esp
43 2b Child Posters.esp
44 2c ChildrenofGoodneighbor.esp
45 2d DiverseChildren.esp
46 2e Orphans.esp
47 2f SimpleSettlers.esp
48 30 SimpleSettlers-MostlyFemales.esp
49 31 PTBodyVanillaClothes.esp
50 32 Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp
51 33 Children Extended.esp
52 34 DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp
53 35 Multiple Floors Sandboxing.esp
54 36 MiscHairstyle.esp
55 37 piperpiper.esp
56 38 caitcait2.esp
57 39 curiecurie40.esp
58 3a AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
59 3b AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
60 3c AAF_SEU.esp
61 3d Atomic Lust.esp
62 3e CumNWealth.esp
63 3f CumNWealth_mutant.esp
64 40 Custom Moans.esp
65 41 Deathclaw_nude.esp
66 42 DogLove.esp
67 43 FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
68 44 FO4_Leito_Voicefix.esp
69 45 FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
254 FE 9 FamilyPlanningEnhanced Child Patch.esp
70 46 Mutated Lust.esp
71 47 Rufgt's Animations.esp
72 48 SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
73 49 Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
74 4a Zaz Particles.esp
75 4b Far Harbor Weather.esp
76 4c PowerArmorHoarder.esp
254 FE a BetterInteriorWorkshops.esp
77 4d KC-DC.esp
78 4e STARCORES.esp
79 4f Children of Fallout.esp
80 50 SKKWorkshopUtilities.esp
81 51 JessicaChildCompanion.esp
82 52 ChildrenofBunkerHill.esp
83 53 rxl_bp70_animations.esp
84 54 The Collector's Guides AIO.esp
85 55 SettlementNakanoResidence.esp
All the settlements mods were installed this playthrough, the WF mod broke my other game so I am just testing them out for now to see which ones may work for my game play once I remove WF or it gets fixed to not break my game.
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Just to start with, it is hard to help anyone unless you post your load order. You say you have no "mods that" but the people who will reply to you are very very knowledgeable and they will likely know if you have mods that affect things.
Yes the mod seems to enhance a vanilla bug that messes with water and food production, not sure how but it has been reported before.
Your complaints about how NPCs behave sound like a NPC pathing problem. I play on Xbox mainly, so this may not apply but we see this pathing issue from improper load order of scrapping and settlement mods. Not just improper load order though. One particular scrapping mod does it if you over build several settlements, again that is the reason you need to post your LO and please post it order correct, not just the mods you are using.
Never had that bug since I started playing FO4 when it came out, only after using this mod do I get that so called bug.
As for pathing problem also never had the problem until after installing this mod.
7 years none of the problems every happen until after installing this mod which is required by the only scraping mod I have along with clean my settlement.
Raze My Settlement and Clean My Settlement.
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Never had that bug since I started playing FO4 when it came out, only after using this mod do I get that so called bug.
As for pathing problem also never had the problem until after installing this mod.
I don't doubt you, I was just trying to tell you my experience, and trying to get you to supply more info to the experts here. Although I do also play on PC I have very little experience on that platform. I use my PC copy to create little mods for myself or combine or edit mods but they don't get published, just uploaded to my Xbox acount for personal use.
Whenever you add a new mod especially one that goes to the top you stand a chance of an old mod you have used for years, conflicting.
I have not used WSFW for sometime now because I was looking for issues that I have seen. All of those issues I have found in the games without WSFW maybe to a lesser extent but that allowed me to find work arounds. I am going back to WSFW and WS+ I am just doing the work. All I can tell you from my experience is that WSFW is a solid mod, yes some of your old standbys will not work with it, those are conflicts. You can do the work and run FO4 edit and fix some stuff but sometimes you just have to get rid of the conflicts.
All the settlements mods were installed this playthrough, the WF mod broke my other game so I am just testing them out for now to see which ones may work for my game play once I remove WF or it gets fixed to not break my game.
Did you start a new game with WSFW installed? WSFW makes some major changes to the workshop system so something may have gone wrong if you added it to an existing game.

Another possibility is if you have a mod that overwrites WSFW's workshop scripts. A common one is loading the UOFO4P after WSFW, which is not your issue. Check ./steam/steamapps/common/fallout 4/data/scripts/ for any loose scripts that start with workshop Those will conflict with WSFW. You should check the ba2 archives for your installed mods as well. You could try extracting WSFW's workshop scripts from the ba2 archive. If your issue is resolved, then one of your installed mods is overwriting WSFW's scripts. Make sure to remove the loose files when you are done testing.
Yes its a brand new game and as you can see in the pic no scripts with workshop in them.scripts.jpg
If its not suppose to have anything overwirte it then why is the rec. load order to be place right after UOFO4P with everything else below it?
If its not suppose to have anything overwirte it then why is the rec. load order to be place right after UOFO4P with everything else below it?
You are expecting more from loot than it offers, or could possibly even begin to offer. Hand sorting of mods is the only way for console users but has proven to help loot users also. You start with loot and then follow the recommendations by MA's, then you will likely have to experiment because the possible combinations of mods is endless. Adding mods to your game is not plug and play.
You are expecting more from loot than it offers, or could possibly even begin to offer. Hand sorting of mods is the only way for console users but has proven to help loot users also. You start with loot and then follow the recommendations by MA's, then you will likely have to experiment because the possible combinations of mods is endless. Adding mods to your game is not plug and play.
Everything in my load order works great without WSFW mod, when I get rid of WSFW my game runs as it should and all mods work as they should with no problems.
I have giving up on this and the mod that requires this mod to work and have gone back to scraping my self.

WSFW is broken and until it gets fixed a lot of players will have problems, just go read all the problems players are having on the nexus page for this mod.
Many are having the same problems I have posted and once they remove this broken mod there game works as it should.

So oh well it was a good idea that went wrong.
WSFW is broken and until it gets fixed a lot of players will have problems,
I don't think that is fair. It might have become over complicated as a standalone, but my thought is it is being developed to support the MAs other mods. Most issues are LO related and I am not a fan of orders produced by Loot, have you considered that might be the problem mod? I get your point and you are unhappy but still there is more that you could do which would help you learn how to mod your game.
Yes its a brand new game and as you can see in the pic no scripts with workshop in them.
That means you have no loose scripts overriding WSFW. You still do not know if you have a mod that is overriding a workshop script via a ba2 file.
WSFW is broken and until it gets fixed a lot of players will have problems
WSFW is not broken. Nearly 1/2 a million people have used this mod. Its not the author's fault or responsibility to fix conflicts of the vocal minority caused by ignoring the mod description. I'm 99% sure your issue is a mod conflict. Unfortunately that just the way things are when modding a Bethesda game. Either you need to be willing to put in the effort to resolve the conflict or opt to not use the mod.
It might have become over complicated as a standalone, but my thought is it is being developed to support the MAs other mods.
The whole point of a framework is so you don't have a bunch of mods all trying to modifying the same thing and conflicting with each other.
Just because most of the bug reporters on the Nexus don't come here to report bugs do not mean this mod is bug free.
All I can say is when this mod is gone from my load order the game plays as it should.
I took out every mod that may have a "workshop" script and the problem still was in my game, then I took out all mods but for this one and the problem was still there.
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 WorkshopFramework.esm
Problem is still there, settlers will very slowly take on crops until they reach 6 food and sometimes it can take over 10 min for them to get to 6 food with 30 food I should be getting some in the workshop but I don't and when the mod is gone I get 18-20 food a day.
This without the mod and they get to 6 in less than 10 sec.
Sometimes they will get beds and sometimes they will not and I have to assign them to a bed so they would stop standing around all night long.
80 water and only getting 10 in the workshop with this mod, take this mod out and I get anywhere from 26 to 40 water a day.
All this testing is with 5 settlers only.
So yes this mod is broken and until it gets fixed a warning is needed.
I check files all the time and never have one get replaced on Steam.
Steam and games are installed on C dirve outside of windows.
I don't want to argue with you. There is a lot to what you are saying but I don't think you understand that the vanilla system is broken and that broken goes on to cause many more issues in the game. The vanilla game spits out way more than it is suppose to. Further if you are not actually there and the game is just calculating things it spits out even more. This affects many things, most notable is the settlement attack system that uses what is in your workbench to decide if that settlement should be attacked. There was an attempt to fix the broken, not a lot different than when the patch removes an exploit. You are correct the numbers you get out of WSFW for crops and water are low and maybe not what you expected, but who cares? You trying to make your FO4 millions selling water, or maybe adhesive? As long as you have enough and happiness is correct, then I would not care. The reason I don't care is because settlement attacks works correctly this way.
As soon as I stopped using WSFW for this experiment I had to fire up an old faithful mod, No settlement attacks. My whole game turns into defending settlements and I have to stop quests just to get to the settlement in time.
Again yes there are some issues with assignment but that is because vanilla assignment is broken, trust me it is hard to fix broken and have things work correctly, you might only get to works better.
By the way this will all change a bit if you manually assign a bed first and then a job to every settler. It also helps if you scrap all vanilla beds except for the kids beds. It is better to scrap the kids beds too but you must do that in a very particular way to have the kid auto assign to your new bed move them if you can move the vanilla.
There was something you mentioned in your first paragraph about how long it takes to assign crops I think.
settlers will very slowly take on crops until they reach 6 food and sometimes it can take over 10 min for them to get to 6 food
Are you saying that when you manually assign them to a crop it can take up to 10 mins for them to be assigned? That sounds suspiciously like a script backlog problem, on Xbox we see that happen to people with OG boxes which have less power. Is your computer well above the the min required? WSFW adds scripts and makes things work harder. Just using consoles as an example OG Xbox can't really handle this mod, Xbox one S has minor to no issues depending on how many other mods add scripts, and the new Series X can be overloaded without issue.
Are you saying that when you manually assign them to a crop it can take up to 10 mins for them to be assigned? That sounds suspiciously like a script backlog problem, on Xbox we see that happen to people with OG boxes which have less power. Is your computer well above the the min required? WSFW adds scripts and makes things work harder. Just using consoles as an example OG Xbox can't really handle this mod, Xbox one S has minor to no issues depending on how many other mods add scripts, and the new Series X can be overloaded without issue.
Yes my computer is well above the min for FO4, GTX 980Ti, quad core runing at 3.9Gh 32 Gb ram and well over 300 GB left on my hard drive.

Yes even with only 2 mods installed it did the same as my full loaded game.
I cleaned out every thing in my script folder then checked files in Steam, then replaced F4SE then these 2 mods and ran the game only in Sanctary.
2 settlers took 20 sec to take on the 6 food, 1 took less than 10 sec but the last 2 was well over 40 sec apeice to take on 6 food.
After I cleaned out Sanctary and place down 5 beds 3 took beds right off the bat but the last 2 I had to assign them beds.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp and WorkshopFramework.esm Is all I had installed to test with 5 settlers, 80 water and 30 food.
10 water and 0 food was in workshop every day. Took over 48 days to get 5 settlers. (After hitting 46 days I lost count.)

Take out WSFW and start again and the same set up as above and the first settler takes a bed and 6 food as soon as he showed up and the other 4 took beds and I had to assign them to food and under 6 sec each took 6 food.
43-48 water daily and various amount of food every day.
Only took 7 days to get all 5 settlers, 2 as soon as I put power to the beacon then it skipped a day then it seemed like I was getting 1 every other day.
Problem is still there, settlers will very slowly take on crops until they reach 6 food and sometimes it can take over 10 min for them to get to 6 food
This is not normal behavior. It should take less than 5 sec. The same for your issue with bed assignments. Assignments are handled by workshop scripts, so I would assume this is a script issue. Do you have the newest versions of both UFO4P and WSFW installed. Did you reinstall WSFW for this min. load order test? Worst case scenario, you could go with the nuclear option. This will give you that new installation smell and you won't have to worry about loose files causing issues.
This is not normal behavior. It should take less than 5 sec. The same for your issue with bed assignments. Assignments are handled by workshop scripts, so I would assume this is a script issue. Do you have the newest versions of both UFO4P and WSFW installed. Did you reinstall WSFW for this min. load order test? Worst case scenario, you could go with the nuclear option. This will give you that new installation smell and you won't have to worry about loose files causing issues.
Like I said above I have given up on this mod for now and have already deleted everything including the appdate records and reloaded the game.
With well over 3000 hours of online game play I know how the game runs and when this mod is in my game does not run as it should.
I will probably come back and try agian in about 6 months or so but for now its been deleted.
For the record, here's my reply on Raze My Settlement:
So you use a different mod to fix what wsfw breaks?
I still get water but only 10-12 max per day and 0 food with wsfw installed and 20-48 water and various amount of food without wsfw. This is with 2-4 large water purifiers.
This is just 1 of many bugs I have after installing wsfw.

Your mod works great its wsfw that is broken.
I have completely wiped out fallout 4 deleting every scrap of files and folders from my computer and uninstalling/reinstalling after computer restart and still have the water/food problem and Preston after 1 battle or talking to by an NPC he just slowly walks back to home base.
And yao guai's just stand there doing nothing until after almost killing them then they charge at me, plus other bugs showing up the longer I play.
This was the last testing I did with wsfw and it was still broken.
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 WorkshopFramework.esm

I use all default setting because I don't like messing around with mods if I have no idea what they really do.
Whisper you make a great mod I just wish it did not have to rely on wsfw to use.
I fixed a bug in the base game's workshop code that could cause absurd amounts of food and water generation. If they want to get cheat amounts of those again, they can just console command them in. -from Kinggath