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Companion Immersion Plots


Well-Known Member
So Ive been Sim Settmenting a bit and it kinda occured to me, when a martial plot loaded on random, with a detective agency

How's about some immersion plots, for companions to be assigned to?

That detective agency.. well it'd be great to assign Nick Valentine there, and have it spawn Ellie somehow.
A Recreation or Commercial Plot w/printing press for Piper + her sister
An Industrial Plot w/some bags of gore that give u random creature body parts and human bones, for Strong
A Martial Plot, with a shed or pod of some kind, for Jezebel/Ada/Other Automatron to come running out of when the settlement is under attack.
A Recreation/Business/Agricultural plot, where Codsworth can serve people Tea and Scones(sweet rolls, donuts etc)
... You know... just something specific to each Companion - for those of us who like to have em all in the one settlement, instead of leaders assigned here and there.