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Advanced bat files for console


Active Member
Does anyone know if it possible to put a wait/sleep command in a bat file? Much like in dos or bash shell.
Hi diziet,

You should be able to use SetPCSleepHours X (where X is the number of hours) to cause the player to sleep/wait the specified number of hours. To do it, you'd create the bat file and save it as a .txt file in the main folder for Fallout 4, load the game, open the console, and type bat filename (where filename is the name of the bat file without the file extension).

I use an F4SE extension called Autoload (; newest version available here: to run a bat file I created called Godrays.txt on save load which looks like this:

gr grid 12
gr scale .8
gr Maxcascade 1
SetGS iTerminalDisplayRate 1200
SetGS fSandboxCylinderTop 576
SetGS fSandboxCylinderBottom -576
SetGS fCombatDodgeChanceMax 0
cl off
fov 85 85

In this example, the "gr" lines change the way godrays perform. The SetGS lines speed up the loading of terminal screens, change the sandbox height of NPCs, and remove the irritating fake dodge. The "cl" line removes fake character lighting. Finally, the "fov" line sets my screen fov to 85.
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You should be able to use SetPCSleepHours X (where X is the number of hours) to cause the player to sleep/wait the specified number of hours.

I wasn't clear enough:)
I was hoping for a way to wait before the next command in a bat file was executed, i.e.:
command 1;
sleep 10;
command 2

thanks for replying though:)
No problem, and roger that. Unfortunately, I don't know of anything that would work in that way. I use this link,, to research console commands, but I haven't tested all of them. Maybe there is something that will work in there?