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  1. K

    Plots not showing up after cinematic with city planner desk

    I set up the city planners desk, and then select a city plan. The cinematic runs and then no plots show up. What could I be missing? I can build plots outside of the city plan, but they always show up without a foundation. Thanks!
  2. F

    Not a bug How do you start the storyline? [FIXED]

    I want to start the mod's storyline but I dont know how do do it. I have already cleared Red rocket and nothing has happened. Do I need to clear out Corvega to start the storyline? Edit: I have searched a few threads for answers, and I might have found the way to start it. I will go try it.
  3. C

    Old Post Stuck with "god mode" outside of WS...

    I have been stuck in the god mode settings (flight, invisibility including my pip boy) even after exiting workshop mode and I have tried disabling and re-enabling WS+ and toggling the settings with MCM and I haven't been able to find a solution for it yet. I tried coc'ing around as well. After...
  4. RayBo

    Scrap Crash Fix - Posted on Nexus

    It is contained in. R2K's Gameplay Mods. :kinggath: there are several plugs, it is on the bottom 0005:aye:
  5. jeem

    Missing Sim Settlements tab

    I had a bug which I struggled to get past with the game freezing during saves. I blundered my way around it by disabling mods, re-enabling mods, etc, and finally got past it. I can save games now, but somehow I lost my Sim Settlements tab in the workshop menu. Is there any way to repair it...
  6. B

    Rise time frame to start foundation

    Just started new playthrough with rise and assigned codsworth as leader in sanctuary how long does it take for foundations to start building have donated 500 of every material and had 2 hours of game play with several in game days and nothing has happened yet also have all the Garvey crew in...
  7. Nunya

    The Bus Stop missing textures...

    Purple walls that shouldn't be.