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Suggestion PANPC version 1.92


Active Member
This is only a suggestion but highly recommand the new version of PANPC 1.92. It has major improvements in it's code that has literly elimenated active scripts pilup in the save file. Personaly tested with scenerio where would be 30 synts, 30 BOS and 30 supermutants. After the battle, every single active script made by PANPC were clear out on the next load cell. This has effectively eliminated the biggest issue that PANPC had with SSQ/SS thus giving us the opportunity to play both mods in the same time without risks that exitisted before. The truth is that, It was my desire from the first time I came to know both mods to play them both in the same time. I know that hardcore players of SSQ/SS have found version 1.74 PANPC to work better, and that was true, but now new options exist in 1.92 in terms of faster NPC reaction, new tactis, and much more. Above that, the optimizations that Greslin did it, are very noticeable in game. You don't trust me. Compare, take both versions, put the same test on both of them and see it for yourself. I tried to break it, and even thou I could break every version before 1.92, this one diden't buge. Load 250 NPC-s(synth, BOS, supermutans, raiders, gunners all use different combat tactics). they fight, I save in the middle of the battle, countinue waching the battle,alt-tab to destop, check the save with Falmir tool, had hundreds of active AI script and terminated scripts, back to the game which CTD(result of too many NPC-s). I then load the save I made during the battle, finish watching the battle, fast travel to Sanctury, save the game, check the save in Fallmir tool, two active scripts not releted to PANPC. Try do that with any version before 1.92 with same result. I did bunch of other tests, in interior and exterior. Same result every time on my load order of 175 mods.
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This only a suggestion but highly recommand the new version of PANPC 1.92. It has major improvements in it's code that has literly elimenated active scripts pilup in the save file. Personaly tested with scenerio where would be 30 synts, 30 BOS and 30 supermutants. After the battle, every single active script made by PANPC were clear out on the next load cell. This has effectively eliminated the biggest issue that PANPC had with SSQ/SS thus giving us the opportunity to play both mods in the same time without risks that exited before. The truth is that, It was my desire from the first time I came to know both mods to play them both in the same time. I know that hardcore players of SSQ/SS have found version 1.74 PANPC to work better, and that was true, but now new options exist in 1.92 in terms of faster NPC reaction, new tactis, and much more. Above that, the optimizations that Greslin did it, are very noticeable in game. You don't trust me. Compare, take both versions, put the same test on both of them and see it for yourself. I tried to break it, and even thou I could break every version before 1.92, this one diden't buge. Load 250 NPC-s(synth, BOS, supermutans, raiders, gunners all use different combat tactics). they fight, I save in the middle of the battle, countinue waching the battle,alt-tab to destop, check the save with Falmir tool, had hundreds of active AI script and terminated scripts, back to the game which CTD(result of too many NPC-s). I then load the save I made during the battle, finish watching the battle, fast travel to Sanctury, save the game, check the save in Fallmir tool, two active scripts not releted to PANPC. Try do that with any version before 1.92 with same result. I did bunch of other tests, in interior and exterior. Same result every time.

I really do like Greslin and like many have used Pack Attack.

@Lazar Gecic this is one nice post and I appreciate you coming here and posting this.

This is very good to know I will tag our Pack Attack guy @Phil_T_Casual and see what he says.​

As is @Lazar Gecic this is exactly what the forums are for.
"Sharing information to make everyone's Fo4 game better."

To me, the forums have never been a help desk but a place folks come to make their own game more rewarding and share to help other users have a better experience.

A place where users help each other. :friends

You have my gratitude. :good Great Post!

Thank you!
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This is only a suggestion but highly recommand the new version of PANPC 1.92. It has major improvements in it's code that has literly elimenated active scripts pilup in the save file. Personaly tested with scenerio where would be 30 synts, 30 BOS and 30 supermutants. After the battle, every single active script made by PANPC were clear out on the next load cell. This has effectively eliminated the biggest issue that PANPC had with SSQ/SS thus giving us the opportunity to play both mods in the same time without risks that exited before. The truth is that, It was my desire from the first time I came to know both mods to play them both in the same time. I know that hardcore players of SSQ/SS have found version 1.74 PANPC to work better, and that was true, but now new options exist in 1.92 in terms of faster NPC reaction, new tactis, and much more. Above that, the optimizations that Greslin did it, are very noticeable in game. You don't trust me. Compare, take both versions, put the same test on both of them and see it for yourself. I tried to break it, and even thou I could break every version before 1.92, this one diden't buge. Load 250 NPC-s(synth, BOS, supermutans, raiders, gunners all use different combat tactics). they fight, I save in the middle of the battle, countinue waching the battle,alt-tab to destop, check the save with Falmir tool, had hundreds of active AI script and terminated scripts, back to the game which CTD(result of too many NPC-s). I then load the save I made during the battle, finish watching the battle, fast travel to Sanctury, save the game, check the save in Fallmir tool, two active scripts not releted to PANPC. Try do that with any version before 1.92 with same result. I did bunch of other tests, in interior and exterior. Same result every time.
Quite interesting, sounds like massive improvements on 1.92? I used it very briefly in October, looking on the page I think that would have been version 1.86? I'd had to uninstall that version since within maybe an hour I was getting tons of active scripts and stack dumps.

I think I might try it again sometime, sounds like gigantic optimization has happened.
First optimization wave was done for version 1.9, where one large script that controled NPC was split in seven smaler, faster, better optimaized scripts. Reduce the size of script from 15-40% for each combat profile Also put much more combat profiles in MCM and in that way gave us apsolute controle over which NPC-s will come under control of PA logic. For the 1.91 version a lot of other bugfixes were implented but the culmination of both version come in 1.92 with futher optimization and bugfixes that give me those results writed in the first post. And that just happen in couple of days. Greslin was on a role :)
Nice, and perfect timing with me starting a new save with 4.26 and tons of mod cleanup done.

Edit: one suggestion OP, maybe link to the mod page? New folks may not know they can just search for PA NPC
First optimization wave was done for version 1.9, where one large script that controled NPC was split in seven smaler, faster, better optimaized scripts. Reduce the size of script from 15-40% for each combat profile Also put much more combat profiles in MCM and in that way gave us apsolute controle over which NPC-s will come under control of PA logic. For the 1.91 version a lot of other bugfixes were implented but the culmination of both version come in 1.92 with futher optimization and bugfixes that give me those results writed in the first post. And that just happen in couple of days. Greslin was on a role :)

Pack Attack NPC Edition - Gangs With Group Combat Tactics

Greslin is a great communicator, and that is "a good thing."

This is one mod where users and potential users need to read about it.

I would still practice good mod discipline, make a controlled save, and put a copy in a safe place. This way anyone can dive in headfirst and see how well it fits into there game.
It is a mod I would hope that folks would at least try.

But, try with caution. Load orders are not alike and who knows how your game will react.
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I would still practice good mod discipline, make a controlled save, and put a copy in a safe place. This way anyone can dive in headfirst and see how well it fits into there game.
It is a mod I would hope that folks would at least try.

But, try with caution. Load orders are not alike and who knows how your game will react.
Couldn't agree more, SSQ/SS and PANPC are beasts when it comes to quality and in terms of space in script engine. Treat them well and your are good. But for all intents and purposes, PANPC is maby today more domesticated. Read the updated instructions on how to safely remove PANPC and update it on https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/1904 if necessary.
"Domesticated," I like that heh.

FWIW, I have been running 4.26 SimSet 3-in-1 with Conq, and PA NPC 1.92, in a new game - thus far with no apparent issues. Spot-checking saves at random times shows nothing hung and no backlog building.

edit: thank you for not writing "intense purposes"
Random side note: two mods are making fuller use of my system's available horsepower than the last, like, 50 standalone games I've played. Hah. Nice to know all those cores are finally earning their keep.
FWIW, I have been running 4.26 SimSet 3-in-1 with Conq, and PA NPC 1.92, in a new game - thus far with no apparent issues. Spot-checking saves at random times shows nothing hung and no backlog building.
Good to know, I am myself on the test run with only SSQ, PANPC and Bullet time(easier to take settlments in fast way). No major problems yet, exept one CTD.