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Thanks Everyone!


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Staff member
Verified Builder
Thank you everyone for participating in the first Masters contest! Turn-ins are officially closed. Your entries are insanely awesome, can't wait to give them all a proper walk-through!

Due to the prizes on the line, we'll be taking a bit longer than usual to judge. We'll give you guys an update once we have a deadline for ourselves figured out. We want to make sure each of our judges has time to actually walk through each level of your settlements since the screenshots can never fully do justice.
Thanks to the power of Wabbajack and @Sirlach's hard work - we've got all of the judges with a perfect mod install to view all of your City Plan levels.

We aim to have the 3 finalists selected by the end of the month. Expect one of us to reach out to each you in private message at the beginning of November in the same way we do for a normal contest to tell you whether you made the finals, or to send you your prizes.

Thank you all again for participating - from what I've seen so far, you all have put in a ton of effort - and these are going to make an amazing addition to player's games!