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Question Constant Crashes at Sanctuary, Upgrade is the Problem?


New Member
My game is experiencing constant crashes whenever I attempt to fast travel or walk into the render distance of Sanctuary. The issue only seems to arise when I upgrade my buildings, I have an earlier save file that works fine until I upgrade my buildings, whether manually or automatically, after which Sanctuary becomes inaccessible. I am not a guru yet with SS, I don't have a town leader or any plans - could that be the reason for the crashes?
After further testing, it seems that whenever I have a building upgrade while I'm not in the settlement, whether I start a building before I leave or if it starts automatically, it will crash when I try to return. Is there a fix for this?
After further testing, it seems that whenever I have a building upgrade while I'm not in the settlement, whether I start a building before I leave or if it starts automatically, it will crash when I try to return. Is there a fix for this?

Maybe? First, make sure everything SS is the current version?

Before the last update there was a problem with the Caps General internal plot that led to a crash. see link below:


If you can't get in there one thing you could try is the remote detonate.

There are sever guides in my signature that can explain how to do this.
Everything was up to date, and after further testing, it appeared that upgrading my Advanced Industrial plot was what was causing the crashes - the addon is up to date though.
Everything was up to date, and after further testing, it appeared that upgrading my Advanced Industrial plot was what was causing the crashes - the addon is up to date though.

If you think it was the plot post the specifics if you can, so other users can see if they can replicate it or not?
I was upgrading the lumber yard (by kinggath) to the coal mine (don't know the author), it was a 2x2 advanced industrial plot, the one that has the description. I have my upgrades all to manual, and had it set to finish while I was away instead of waiting until I arrived (crashed either way), and even had 1 multi-thread at the time of the crashes, though it is now working on auto. I also have SS/Conqueror downloaded through Bethesda, though I am running the game through Nexus/Vortex. I never directly downloaded IR, I only enabled it through Vortex, could that be the problem?
humm, where you get the mod from should make no difference as long as it is current.
It shouldn't be the issue but just in case, I would try downloading the 3 in 1 from Nexus.