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"The Den" and Bridgetown


Active Member
City Planner (S3)
The Den / Bridgetown
Agricultural Plots - 1 2x2, 2 Interior
Commercial Plots - 2 Interior, 1 Bar marker
Defense Plots - 2 2x2, 1 Interior
Industrial Plots - 3 Interior
Recreational - 1 Interior
Residential - 7 Interior - 7 Beds

The small rundown bar and inn locally known as "The Den", provides both rest and respite to any ne'er-do-wells passing through the area.

At the front desk, you can rent one of 6 rooms upstairs. Feel free to stock up on any weapons or ammo before heading out for a job.

The Bar is a good spot to get the scoop on any local bounties or other job opportunities.
The bar also provides some more private booths for any dealings or scheming that needs to be done without prying eyes.

The rooms aren't much but at least you get a roof over your head.
The old boathouse houses the water purifier, which the den shares with the residents of Bridgetown in exchange for power.
Originally set up as a raider toll, the local super mutants drove off any would-be travellers. A few enterprising settlers decided to set up shop on top of the bridge and fortified it.
The settlers have set up some rudimentary shops to trade for salvage.
Underneath the bridge, the settlers set up turbines to produce power, which they trade "The Den" in exchange for purified water and protection.

The overview! The Bridge connects all the way over to West Everett Estates and should be fully navmeshed.

This one was a bit of a speed build as I've been in the middle of starting a new job,
it's nowhere near as decorated as I'd normally make it, but I enjoyed making a smaller / neater settlement for once! :)

Save: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ML2NQsokjUCidaEQJ1QooA66Iw7AyZ5v
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That's some nice out of the box thinking.
I'd love to swap my current edited RotC outpost for this.

Do the super mutants across the river initiate constant fights?
Would be an additional bonus for raider settlement.
That's some nice out of the box thinking.
I'd love to swap my current edited RotC outpost for this.

Do the super mutants across the river initiate constant fights?
Would be an additional bonus for raider settlement.
As far as I can tell, the supermutants pretty much stay where they are unless provoked. But I'm sure you could convince them to come visit Bridgetown 0:D
Moridar, this settlement is ASTOUNDING. It's honestly one of my favourites since I started following this contest in earnest a few months ago. I'm bummed the vote slipped my notice and I didn't get to "officially" weigh in, but I'm glad to see you took home the gold, all the same!

Moridar, this settlement is ASTOUNDING. It's honestly one of my favourites since I started following this contest in earnest a few months ago. I'm bummed the vote slipped my notice and I didn't get to "officially" weigh in, but I'm glad to see you took home the gold, all the same!

Thanks so much! This one was a bit of a speed build, and I'm honestly amazed so many people loved it, it's very humbling. 0:D
Hi! Which add-on pack has the half-sized martial plot jail on the first floor of the boat house?
20191010192933_1.jpg I am confused. The whole bridge was present at base level and at level 1. Now I return to see the results of the upgrade to level 2 to find half the bridge gone. That isn't supposed to happen is it? The part that is missing is the part that joins up with that Super Mutant subdivision. Is there any chance that at cell reset of that area wiped out that half of the bridge?

edit to add: Refresh Local City Plan restored the bridge. I am pretty sure this was a result of that area being reset as part of the respawn mechanic of the game.

second edit: Return visit after refreshing the local city plan the last visit and that bridge half is gone again. The game does not want it there. :(
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I'm experiencing the same issue Barbara. The end of the bridge is removed every time the the cell reloads. Refreshing the city adds it back, and everything else, except for the beds on the second floor of the house.
Fallout4 10_20_2019 6_46_08 PM.png Fallout4 10_20_2019 6_50_09 PM.png
Do either of you have pbp installed by any chance?
I could give you a cmd that might fix it but you would have to have pbp for it to work.
If not don't worry about it, I'll wait until Moridar shows up and get an .esp of the plan off him.
PBP is "Project Blueprint." It's a set of esp files that add all the crazy items we keep building with into the build menus. It's part of the city planner's toolkit, but it's kinda deliberately set up for manual installation and for use by city plan designers, so it's not as user-friendly as Sim Settlements, itself.

pbp is for city designing/building so unless that's something you are doing you don't really need it.
Do you have scrap mods installed?
Do you have scrap mods installed?

I do not.

/edit to add: In the game and load order in which this bridge issue occurred I did not have any scrap mods installed. However, I did have this city plan installed which I quite liked the look of. In that particular game I was trying out several new city plans (mostly from the contest.) After giving that city plan a try I realized that city plan had enabled scrapping in Sanctuary. So the correct answer is that I did not intentionally have any scrapping mods installed.
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I will build the city plan and see what happens .
It worked fine during testing but something may have gone wrong somewhere.
I will build the city plan and see what happens .
It worked fine during testing but something may have gone wrong somewhere.

For me, it worked fine at level 0 and level 1. It didn't happen until I went back to see the results of level 2 city upgrade. However, since I was using that particular city plan I made it a point to go clear out West Everett Estates. I was returning to Taffington coming from County Crossing and deliberately passed through West Everett Estates intending to use the bridge. West Everett had partially respawned Super Mutants and loot. All subsequent visits to Taffington required a local city city plan refresh to restore the bridge.