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Suggestion Can something be done regarding Vault 88 maintenance cost?


Well-Known Member
Hi. This message really is intended for the development team of Sim Settlements (although do feel free to discuss).

I’m having an issue with vault 88, and I’m talking about how the power from the generator is included in the daily maintenance cost.

On the lore side, it makes no sense that this generator requires outside fuel to function. If it were the case, it should have stopped quite some time ago considering it’s outside of the reach of Overseer Barstow until your arrival.

But more importantly from a gameplay perspective... SWEET JESUS 150 CAPS PER DAY? I barely saved her ass and left for a few days and now I owe 600 caps? I haven’t even started to clear the place out let alone build the damn place.

For now I have turned out maintenance cost at this settlement and am looking at my options in terms of how I’ll play this settlement (I feel cheap turning it off).

So I was wondering if this settlement could ignore the cost of this particular generator (I’m guessing the easy way to cheat this could be to offset the cap cost of maintenance by 150 for this location but I could be wrong) or maybe have the cost be the power used instead of power produced?

Unless there is a way to turn off that generator and let us use only plots or our own generated power until we want to use the big one?

Sorry I’m not a modder so I have no idea of the possibilities but anything done here would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time and for this great mod.
Oh my sweet summer child... *weeps in 650 caps*
Maybe I shouldn't have built that super-reactor :)

My suggestion a long time ago was to allow you to donate more than 1000 caps at once. That is, add buttons for 10k and 100k. Dunno what other mods you have, but even with Horizon, I'm still drowning in money.

A mod to exclude this pre-existing generator would be easy to make. There is a vanilla keyword (or AV?) which makes generators cost nothing. Can't remember the exact name, but it's something about "anything is ground". Vanilla windmills and SimSettlements solar panels have it, too. You could even cheat it onto the reactor using the console.
Does the Local options in the holotape permit turning off maintenance costs per settlement? It would of course turn it all off there, but at least it's not the wrong side of the convo.
Actually it can be turned off for the local settlement, that’s the option I had to choose. Which turns off everything cost related like turrets too so I kind of feel like cheating a bit. But oh well...

I still think something should be done with it but I’ve resigned myself to accept it.