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Patch 2.0.1 - Industrial Aftermath

Small question about these updates: Am I doing it correctly with the "refresh all local plots" in all my settlements after each patch? Or is there something in place that takes care of this? Or is it not needed at all? Would be cool to include a hint. :)
Small question about these updates: Am I doing it correctly with the "refresh all local plots" in all my settlements after each patch? Or is there something in place that takes care of this? Or is it not needed at all? Would be cool to include a hint. :)
AFAIK you just need that for big updates. From 1.0.9 to the 2.0 it was neccessary in reason of the changes by the sensors, for example. From 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 it's not a must, in my opinion
Small question about these updates: Am I doing it correctly with the "refresh all local plots" in all my settlements after each patch? Or is there something in place that takes care of this? Or is it not needed at all? Would be cool to include a hint. :)

It depends, basically, the refresh lets it get changes and updates, so you only need to do it if the plots changed in some way.

In this patch according to the patch notes that includes:

Martial and Recreational plots
Commercial plots if you want to use the performance toggles to disable clutter, lights, etc for performance reasons
Any plot that has the power bug described in the patch notes (although you could just let those build as well)
I feel stupid for asking, like I should know since I've been using this mod since release, but, uninstall and re-install? or overwrite?

I'm experiencing a bad brain connection day, which leads me to ask things that should be obvious to me.
Always overwrite, never uninstall. If you're using NMM, after you install and overwrite the new version, you can delete the previous entry in NMM.
Always overwrite, never uninstall. If you're using NMM, after you install and overwrite the new version, you can delete the previous entry in NMM.
Thank you. Now I can update. Appreciate the fast reply.

Also, gratz on soon to be new addition.
Always overwrite, never uninstall. If you're using NMM, after you install and overwrite the new version, you can delete the previous entry in NMM.

I just realized I have been doing this wrong.
I always disabled it in NMM. Not uninstalled.
Then installed the new one.
Dang. Might be the cause of some of the problems I have been having I suppose.
I just realized I have been doing this wrong.
I always disabled it in NMM. Not uninstalled.
Then installed the new one.
Dang. Might be the cause of some of the problems I have been having I suppose.
Nah, not really. Disable is more or less the same as uninstall. Disable acts as the mod would not be installed.
I've usually done:
- download version
- uninstall old
- install new

I've never overwritten anything. Is that bad? Might this be the cause of my settlers mostly standing around like Zombies and my scavenger support stations recruiting more than homes available?
I've usually done:
- download version
- uninstall old
- install new

I've never overwritten anything. Is that bad? Might this be the cause of my settlers mostly standing around like Zombies and my scavenger support stations recruiting more than homes available?

I've also always done this. Never noticed a problem before (?).
That works as well. Shouldn't cause any problems like that.

Zombie settlers are almost guaranteed to be a navmesh problem. Can happen from sinking things too far down with mods like Place Everywhere, from scrapping too many large structures you weren't met to (via a mod like Scrap Everything), or building things too far outside of the build area.

I've also heard people testing removing all of their mods and the settlers suddenly start moving again- but no one whose done that has ever reported back to me which mod was the problem child.
The problem that I most recently have is something that has happened since installing/updating for SIM IR.
I'm not sure what has happened in my Sanctuary but I have a few problems.

1.) My stat bar for food shows lower than what it truly is and my population is becoming unhappy. I have for instance, in Sanctuary 23 settlers, I have counted that they have a total of 30+ plots actively attended. 5 dedicated farmers plus two agricultural plots. But the meter says I only have 10 food, sometimes goes up to 18 then drops to 10 again. I'm not sure what is happening or why.

2.) Where the settlers gather at night, all but the guards. I built this extensive bar and grill and they all land in one little corner of it, either upstairs or on the roof. I have no idea how to fix that, I've even tried to "block" off the corners, which is when they popped up on the roof or just pop up on the other side of the bar. I recently build a diner, and now a few hang out by the steps. Mama Murphy actually goes inside it.

3.)Everything else is looking pretty good, tho I do not see many of my settlers upgrading their homes or the shops either and I have inspection turned off, this particular issue was before the patch and IR mod install. (This is appears to be mainly all issues in Sanctuary, the other settlement that I have been using this on seems to be upgrading and performing fine, tho a bit of overcrowding on my part. lol)

Is there something I might try that may fix this?
Sorry so long a post.
1.) My stat bar for food shows lower than what it truly is and my population is becoming unhappy. I have for instance, in Sanctuary 23 settlers, I have counted that they have a total of 30+ plots actively attended. 5 dedicated farmers plus two agricultural plots. But the meter says I only have 10 food, sometimes goes up to 18 then drops to 10 again. I'm not sure what is happening or why.
My best guess is that this is due to other plots subtracting from your food. Industrial Plots especially subtract a LOT of food. Similarly, your issue with food going from 10 to 18 sporadically might be related- perhaps an Industrial Plot is getting powered and unpowered erratically, causing the issue. I'd recommend checking your plots for any negative food values and seeing if the math checks out. I've also found it far more efficient to use agricultural plots instead of "regular" farming, as level 3 farms give a LOT of food- and also require less space, and fewer settlers, to manage. You might not be the tryhard minmaxer that I am, though, in which case, farm however you want! :)

2.) Where the settlers gather at night, all but the guards. I built this extensive bar and grill and they all land in one little corner of it, either upstairs or on the roof. I have no idea how to fix that, I've even tried to "block" off the corners, which is when they popped up on the roof or just pop up on the other side of the bar. I recently build a diner, and now a few hang out by the steps. Mama Murphy actually goes inside it.
I've had similar issues as well. I'll bet dollars to donuts that it's related to the navmesh issue kinggath highlighted earlier. In my experience it's been mostly cosmetic, but if it's affecting the productivity of your settlements, let us know! Not that I have anything to do with it but I can try to help you!

3.)Everything else is looking pretty good, tho I do not see many of my settlers upgrading their homes or the shops either and I have inspection turned off, this particular issue was before the patch and IR mod install. (This is appears to be mainly all issues in Sanctuary, the other settlement that I have been using this on seems to be upgrading and performing fine, tho a bit of overcrowding on my part. lol)
Also encountered this issue, I've noticed that saving and loading winds up kicking SS's notifications in the pants and I'll sometimes get six or seven messages immediately notifying me of new buildings or updates. Play for a few hours, save, and load your game- if the same thing happens to you, then maybe my solution (however inelegant) will help you as well.
On the Upgrading issue:

several of kinggaths scripts trigger when the settlement unloads, so you really have to be leaving, playing the game, and then returning, to see everything happen naturally. Additionally, upgrades require game time (5 in game days to get to level 2, 10 in game days to get to level 3) as well as a minimum happiness level (70 and 80 respectively) to trigger upgrades.

Finally Advanced Industrial plots can have further requirements as well.
On the Upgrading issue:

several of kinggaths scripts trigger when the settlement unloads, so you really have to be leaving, playing the game, and then returning, to see everything happen naturally. Additionally, upgrades require game time (5 in game days to get to level 2, 10 in game days to get to level 3) as well as a minimum happiness level (70 and 80 respectively) to trigger upgrades.

Finally Advanced Industrial plots can have further requirements as well.

We I do have the "inspection before upgrading" [or whatever it's called] turned off, and it is not happening with my other settlement that has lots of people and they tend to stay very well balanced. The Sanctuary was the first place I placed any plots, but I'm to double check and see what has happened since I've been out of town, since I did finally get a few residential plots that upgrading of the refresh... a few finally have doors. Crap, I probably should turn off the beacon on my other town. 0.O
My best guess is that this is due to other plots subtracting from your food. Industrial Plots especially subtract a LOT of food. Similarly, your issue with food going from 10 to 18 sporadically might be related- perhaps an Industrial Plot is getting powered and unpowered erratically, causing the issue. I'd recommend checking your plots for any negative food values and seeing if the math checks out. I've also found it far more efficient to use agricultural plots instead of "regular" farming, as level 3 farms give a LOT of food- and also require less space, and fewer settlers, to manage. You might not be the tryhard minmaxer that I am, though, in which case, farm however you want! :)

I've had similar issues as well. I'll bet dollars to donuts that it's related to the navmesh issue kinggath highlighted earlier. In my experience it's been mostly cosmetic, but if it's affecting the productivity of your settlements, let us know! Not that I have anything to do with it but I can try to help you!

Also encountered this issue, I've noticed that saving and loading winds up kicking SS's notifications in the pants and I'll sometimes get six or seven messages immediately notifying me of new buildings or updates. Play for a few hours, save, and load your game- if the same thing happens to you, then maybe my solution (however inelegant) will help you as well.

I've been gaming a long time, but obliviously not with this kind of set up. I'm not used to all the different directions and factors. I need a cheat sheet to be able to keep up with what requires what and what costs what. I have memory issues so it tends to be a pain sometimes to figure it out. I typed out a page of hotkeys and commands for the Place Everywhere mod and printed it out, and then wrote a list of commands on the back for another mod. On that note I believe I may have missed where it was written about what the requirements were on food with the industrial, and happiness etc. I also do not know what the stages of production are on the plots. Since it only showed 2 when it started and took up a decent amount of space I was unsure of what to do. I do have other food planted, just need to get some more hands in to maintain them until I get my agg plots. I didn't manage my space as well as I would have liked because I didn't start off with this mod in hand. :D Thanks a ton for the reply. :D
Unless you're a huge min/max kind of person, I'd just lay the plots, make sure everybody has a job and everything has power and show up every ingame week or so to see what they've built. I've had everything from game breaking large settlements of 110 settlers down to 2-3 people scratching out a living on a rock and the settlements have always done a good job being diverse. Even without addons. Throw in the addons and only the largest settlements will have one of everything and even then, you'll be pushing the limits of the engine.

The best advice I can give is to have at least one bar and happiness plot per 6-8 settlers so they do something in the evenings other than stand there looking at one another.

The low poly Puzzle pieces can make all the difference in the world for building out on uneven ground. Build out over water where you can and don't go overboard on Agriculture.

Also keep in mind that the dynamic needs system can very quickly drive you up to the script cap because many of the plots have 6-12 harvestable plants on them each and when you make 10 of those you have 120 scripted objects right there. Then your industrial comes along and drives your food production down to 10 from 120 and you don't have enough food to feed your settlers and nothing will work anymore because the scripts doing so are broken by the array limits.

For Agriculture in large settlements, stick to plots that have a low interactive count and in any sane settlement, you should be fine.