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Workshop Framework Happy Fix!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Finally located the bug that was causing the happiness issue many of you are experiencing.

Primary Features of patch:

- Fixes the happiness bug.
- Fixes issues with production, you might find a huge surplus after this patch as there was a ton of production being backed up in a queue.
- Added option to prevent losing control of settlements from happiness going to low.
- Added option to claim a settlement, which will take control of whatever settlement you're in.
Try it out nothing Production is 0.Happiness seams to be Fix as it start to rise.Then new things 3 Jumps between Settlements CTD reload again Jumps between Settlements with Walking in the the Settlements 4 time ok then again CTD.Hud become full Crazy now im at Homeplate game say im at Ticonderoga and my Powerarmor in some street behind it.Things that you say maybe i get as they wait somewhere i don't find.
Sounds like you've got some serious issues, I'm guessing there are certain saves and mod combinations that are not going to be able to switch to WSFW.

I'll keep looking into it though.
After installing the new fix and unlocked Greygarden it still has 0 happiness right at the beginning. Happiness does not seem to raise in the other settlements as well.
Try it out nothing Production is 0.Happiness seams to be Fix as it start to rise.Then new things 3 Jumps between Settlements CTD reload again Jumps between Settlements with Walking in the the Settlements 4 time ok then again CTD.Hud become full Crazy now im at Homeplate game say im at Ticonderoga and my Powerarmor in some street behind it.Things that you say maybe i get as they wait somewhere i don't find.
Being in Home Plate and the map saying you're somewhere else, is a known vanilla bug, and is caused with how they setup the Map Marker.
The production is directly tied to happiness. The lower the happiness, the lower the production. I'm not sure at what % production stops.
Also keep in mind, it may take a minute or 2 for the backed up goodies to be processed and dumped into the workbench. Which happens when arriving at a settlement.
Your CTD... still running on your test salvaged save?
How do you do that last option? I’ve just updated to the latest version but I’m not seeing the option anywhere. I’ve been trying to claim Somerville Place for over 500 hours now
Being in Home Plate and the map saying you're somewhere else, is a known vanilla bug, and is caused with how they setup the Map Marker.
The production is directly tied to happiness. The lower the happiness, the lower the production. I'm not sure at what % production stops.
Also keep in mind, it may take a minute or 2 for the backed up goodies to be processed and dumped into the workbench. Which happens when arriving at a settlement.
Your CTD... still running on your test salvaged save?
Yes its on my Fixed Save but to be sure its not my Save that make Problems i download yesterday a Full Vanilla Save and Test it with that.But most of the Problems i have Fix now CTD stop if you place WF as last Master in your Load order.The Production start after 2 Days after i visit every Settlement and make a Full Refresh City-Refresh Local Plots-and all the other Option to Fix a settlement.Making that i see some Problem with the Ammo Plant don't know from witch ADDon it is but it Produce Ammo every day and it reach the WB but after a refresh i find Around 7k Steel 7kWood and 7k from something other in my WB.In some Settlement a little more or lesser.So don't know if that is another bug or are Part from the items never was transfer for the WF bug.
Yeah you can expect a big dump with the new version, as it takes all the stuff out of holding, and dumps in the workbench... all at once. hehehe
There are still some quarks in it we're working on now. Freaking hair puller for the testers, even worse for KG! LOL
How do you do that last option? I’ve just updated to the latest version but I’m not seeing the option anywhere. I’ve been trying to claim Somerville Place for over 500 hours now
It's in the MCM menu under Tools, or in the Workshop Framework holotape under Tools. (craftable at the chem bench)
With the Unlock Settlement tool, do I need to use it before getting that settlement's quest?
If you want to do the settlement quests - you should NOT use that tool. It essentially bypasses the quest.
Thanks, that's exactly what I hoped to hear.
If you want to do the settlement quests - you should NOT use that tool. It essentially bypasses the quest.
Well... not always...
Some of them are triggered on cell load, so are *technically* active even before you get close enough to use the Claim settlement.
But, as long as you don't talk to and avoid the settlers, and just claim the settlement and leave for 24+hrs. it will usually terminate.
For example:
I claimed County Crossing, built a bunch of stuff and exited WS mode to close to the quest giver.. bugger nailed me with Clearing The Way..
Tenpines when I arrived I could tell that Kidnapping At.. was ready to be triggered. So I claimed the settlement, build a little defense & water... and beat feet. That one took a good 48hrs. to terminate.
Abernathy's Returning The Favor, can be bypassed the same way. Just avoid Blake like he's Preston.
IF you remotely claim them.. the quests never trigger. Unless you talk to Preston.. jerk! hehe

One thing that's fun is, turn AI detection off, and claim Hangman or Zimojia, then leave before turning it back on. You then have a bunch of Raider settlers. LOL
So *never* talk to the quest givers?

Or just not until the 24-48 hours have passed?
Just for the 24/48 time frame. You'll know.. they wont keep following you around.
Cool. Thanks!

Something to do while I'm waiting to find a solution to my Place Anywhere problem.
Ohhhh!!!! Really need to check updates more. It was driving me batty that Sunshine Tidings has been going for a while as I build and nothing was upgrading. I assumed it was because the happiness has been stuck at 39% for game weeks! :p I'll update and hope it fixes it! :)