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October 2018 Specifics


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Settlement Options

-Starlight Drive-In
-Sunshine Tidings Co-op

For the second contest, we're going to some larger, more open settlements - so you'll have a lot more creative freedom.

New Prizes

Starting with this round, we're upping the ante and increasing the prize pool!

- All City Plans that follow the requirements will be eligible to be added to the future Megapack, with the winner given a special tag and information in the game so people who use it know you won the contest.
- Top 3 each receive a Sim Settlements T-Shirt and Video tours of their settlements featured on kinggath's Youtube channel.
- Winner receives a Gog or Steam Key of their choice from the Nexus mods rewards page - current offerings include: Witcher, Pillars of Eternity, Fallout, Dragon Age, and many more! (The mod authors reward page is currently private for mod authors only, and the list changes constantly - will send the winner a list of options at that time).

Special Requirements

Each round, we'll have some requirements of your City Plan. Sometimes it will be specific items, special rules, or even themes, see below for current special requirements.

- Must have at least 15 plots. They can be any combination of types and classes.
- Must have at least one of each plot type. The types are: Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Martial, Recreational, and Residential. (Advanced Industrial is considered a class of Industrial so it counts!)
- Must support at least 11 settlers, but no more than 15. That means a job and bed for each settler (from plots or otherwise)
- Special Per Settlement Requirement - Feature a vanilla structure into your design. This means that the building in question must have a specific, important purpose for your City. Whether it be a player home, a guard barracks, a spa - whatever you can dream up, but it should be an important element in your design.
Starlight: Must feature the projector building in the build.
Sunshine: Must feature the central barn-like building in the build.

General Requirements

The following requirements will likely apply to every month's contest.

- Must have a Recruitment Beacon in each level.
- Must have a City Planner's Desk in each level.
- Can only use items from the base game, Sim Settlements, or those unlocked by the Project Blueprint mod from the City Planner's Toolkit.

Pick your settlement from the list above and GO GO GO!
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Settlement Options

-Starlight Drive-In
-Sunshine Tidings Co-op

For the second contest, we're going to some larger, more open settlements - so you'll have a lot more creative freedom.

New Prizes

Starting with this round, we're upping the ante and increasing the prize pool!

- All City Plans that follow the requirements will be eligible to be added to the future Megapack, with the winner given a special tag and information in the game so people who use it know you won the contest.
- Top 3 each receive a Sim Settlements T-Shirt and Video tours of their settlements featured on kinggath's Youtube channel.
- Winner receives a Gog or Steam Key of their choice from the Nexus mods rewards page - current offerings include: Witcher, Pillars of Eternity, Fallout, Dragon Age, and many more! (The mod authors reward page is currently private for mod authors only, and the list changes constantly - will send the winner a list of options at that time).

Special Requirements

Each round, we'll have some requirements of your City Plan. Sometimes it will be specific items, special rules, or even themes, see below for current special requirements.

- Must have at least 15 plots. They can be any combination of types and classes.
- Must have at least one of each plot type. The types are: Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Martial, Recreational, and Residential. (Advanced Industrial is considered a class of Industrial so it counts!)
- Must support at least 11 settlers, but no more than 15. That means a job and bed for each settler (from plots or otherwise)
- Special Per Settlement Requirement - Feature a vanilla structure into your design. This means that the building in question must have a specific, important purpose for your City. Whether it be a player home, a guard barracks, a spa - whatever you can dream up, but it should be an important element in your design.
Starlight: Must feature the projector building in the build.
Sunshine: Must feature the central barn-like building in the build.

General Requirements

The following requirements will likely apply to every month's contest.

- Must have a Recruitment Beacon in each level.
- Must have a City Planner's Desk in each level.
- Can only use items from the base game, Sim Settlements, or those unlocked by the Project Blueprint mods from the City Planner's Toolkit.

Pick your settlement from the list above and GO GO GO!

Awesome stuff!!
Who are the winners this month? Did I miss the announcement somehow?
The only time the DLC ones will be allowed are when we do the corresponding DLC settlements.
The Project Blueprint - Farharbour section is off limits? I'm afraid I used some wooden posts from that section in a last minute edit to my September plan! Please remove my entry if that is illegal, and I hope it's not too much of an embuggerance.
I don't think I could top either the existing Starlight or Sunshine Tidings designs :s You really underestimate the effort gone into the city plans until you attempt your own.
I don't think I could top either the existing Starlight or Sunshine Tidings designs :s You really underestimate the effort gone into the city plans until you attempt your own.
Give it a go ;) Players want more varity :)
I don't think I could top either the existing Starlight or Sunshine Tidings designs :s You really underestimate the effort gone into the city plans until you attempt your own.
I recently visited Starlight Level 2, and it was staggering. I can't imagine the hours put into it. That said, the sheer number of objects probably challenges the average user's system (mine seemed to be, and I think mine is above average). So I'm sure there's a need for something a bit lighter weight. I finally got my bright idea for the Starlight screen last night while hanging out with my dog. I just hope I have time to implement it, cuz I think it's a doozy. :)
I just had what might be an interesting idea for Starlight as well.

I dunno if I’ll put it into the contest, it will still be worth seeing if it can be pulled off. And if it makes sense.
I just had what might be an interesting idea for Starlight as well.

And remember your not competing against the current plans ,your city plans don't need to use up all the area .They must include those buildings ,but can be small in size. They just have to look unique and fun. A hippy commune , a small diner,a resort ,a recycling plant etc, come up with a theme and it will all be easy after that ;)
So I placed the hanging lanterns from project blueprint's Far Harbour section and it's purple. But it wont let me select it or scrap it. Is there a way to remove it?
So I placed the hanging lanterns from project blueprint's Far Harbour section and it's purple. But it wont let me select it or scrap it. Is there a way to remove it?
Hi! Yes, the project blueprint’s Far Harbour section will only be valid for contests with DLC settlements, so as you found out it turns purple.

The things that can’t be selected in workshop mode, you can usually remove with console - press the ‘tilde’-key, click your uncooperative object, write ‘disable’ and then enter (no quotes). If your object disappears you picked the right one, so write ‘markfordelete’. If the wrong thing disappeared, write ‘enable’. Worst case, you may have to go back a save.
Brilliant! That worked! Thanks so much lol. I was worried I was gonna be disqualified over a stubborn lantern the bugger.
Great! There are some objects in the pbp menus that even the console won’t catch, such as some fire and smoke effects. So it’s best to test these in another settlement first, or be prepared to roll back a save.
What about sim settlement add onpacks? I really enjoy Brae's defences but would understand if they dont meet the idea KG has going
What about sim settlement add onpacks?

What about Add-on Packs?

Yes and no. You can use Building Plans on your plots from any add-on you like! What you can't do, is build extra items from an add-on, for example, custom City Planner's Desks.

Building Plans are allowed because Sim Settlements can dynamically change them for players not using the add-on you had, whereas it won't know how to handle the other items.
Guess that makes sense since it is looking to the plot first rather than say the sandbag trenches in the defence add on thanks for responding
No worries :)

But from a players point of view when you use a plot from a addon pack and a player dosnt use Designers choice ,the area you choose for your plot mustn't be made for that plot only.

Im guilty of that in my Sanctuary Junktown CP I made my spider gate part of the wall and if you don't have My addon it wont look so good.