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Addon Maker's Toolkit Discord

I've just done a member purge and the number of people who joined and then asked for load order help or just generally chatted is way too damn high. Seriously folks, this server is ONLY for learning to make mods, supporting development of SS, or mod authors who can share their knowledge. Joining and saying nothing at all is a guaranteed purge. And don't assume that chit chat will make you safe either. I check post history. Please don't make me irritated with you for requesting an invite and then either wasting it or abusing it.
Does this include city plan design and plots? If so, I'd love an invite, please.

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I would like an invite please. I'm trying to make a patch.

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May I have an invite if the discord is also open to non SS2 molders? I've just started making mods and would love a place to get advice!

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I've just done a member purge and the number of people who joined and then asked for load order help or just generally chatted is way too damn high. Seriously folks, this server is ONLY for learning to make mods, supporting development of SS, or mod authors who can share their knowledge. Joining and saying nothing at all is a guaranteed purge. And don't assume that chit chat will make you safe either. I check post history. Please don't make me irritated with you for requesting an invite and then either wasting it or abusing it.
Hi, I'm not sure if I'm one of the people you purged, but I see I'm no longer on the Discord server. I almost never talk or post, but I was/am part of the dev team (as a writer) and I use discord to communicate with Kinggath and other team members about the writing tasks. I'm no longer able to send messages to Kinggath because we don't share a server anymore. Could I please get an invite to rejoin the server?

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Can you send an invite my way? I'm trying to make a faction pack!

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If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48521/
Eyo can I join I'm struggling with the mod and I think being in the discord would help a ton
Eyo can I join I'm struggling with the mod and I think being in the discord would help a ton
If you have general mod questions this forum is the place to get help. The discord is for mod development not mod help.
If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48521/
Hello everyone! Just started to give this modding lark ago, and not gonna lie I am banging my head against a brick wall. Could I please get an invite to the discord to give me a hang? Thanks in advance!

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Hi, ive recently gotten into FO4 modding and im running into trouble and im really just looking for a community to help troubleshoot and discuss modding stuff with so id really like an invite.
Hi, ive recently gotten into FO4 modding and im running into trouble and im really just looking for a community to help troubleshoot and discuss modding stuff with so id really like an invite.
Are you learning to create mods or learning how to use mods?
Hello, I have always wanted to learn how to mod Bethesda games, but focused my free time on learning general game development. After multiple years of failed pursuits trying to enter the industry, I have decided I enjoy game development more when it is something I am passionate about. So finally, after all this time... I am ready to learn to mod.

I am working through Kinggaths Bethesda Mod School and would love to be apart of the discord community so I can share my triumphs and struggles.

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If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48521/
I would like a discord link to the server Pleasse and thank you

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If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48521/
Just looking for some help developing my SS2 expansions discord please :)

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I'd just like to keep myself apprised of development. and IF I CAN help, be it providing voice or Ideas.
Usually the addon makers discord is reserved for people making Addons. But that's not my call as to invites either.