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Virtual Resources not accumulating in virtual storage


Such situation, playing a while at farm Ebernaty, at first all was OK, resources showing acumulation on the Resource Hud (till when it reach near maximum of storage container) and after some time acumulation has stopped, even all was in +++ . As seen in pictures. Recalculation of Costs Option did not helped...
And I do not have plots that consume rare resources in Ebernaty Farm, but it not acumulating...
What can cause such a script stuck? And how to make it work again? Maybe there is a way to renew the script;
In the future versions of SS2 To add such a feature (in SS2 , a option) to renew the stucked script.
Version of SS2 = 1.0.17b.
Played just about 3 days since new game with this version, unlocked military/commercial and other plot types.


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Does the problem persist If you double your available virtual storage to let's say 12000 units?

Also: make sure to stay in the settlement for about 30 minutes real time. Go have a coffee. Just to make sure all scripts have caught up.
Tanks for reply. I added storage units to 10000 and rest 24 h, then wait 1 real hour, and nothing changed - virtual storage degrading and not fulfilling.
Does the problem persist If you double your available virtual storage to let's say 12000 units?

Also: make sure to stay in the settlement for about 30 minutes real time. Go have a coffee. Just to make sure all scripts have caught up.
Tanks for reply. I added storage units to 10000 and rest 24 h, then wait 1 real hour, and nothing changed - virtual storage degrading and not fulfilling.
here the load order:
Not all .esp are working some of them are just empty esp (The Castle, and other).
And yes, resource degrading persists in all settlements. At the beginning was all OK, working resources, as seen in picture they acumulated normally. Then smthg happened and script became broken.


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If you have use of the console, you can test it by making sure the resource HUD is open, then bring up the console and type this :
cqf SS2_ResourceManager "SimSettlementsV2:Quests:ResourceManager.DailyUpdate"

That will force the daily update code to run. If it is working, after a few seconds the HUD should update. If that happens, we know the DailyUpdate works, it's just not being run for some reason. If it doesn't happen, we can assume the DailyUpdate isn't working properly when it is run.

Note that this is not a solution, it's just a test. You should reload the game after doing it, even if the HUD updates properly.