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How big can a settlement be on XBox?


New Member
I play on an XBox Series X and I've built up Spectacle Island pretty big, but I've started noticing that the game only crashes when I'm at Spectacle Island now. I've got about 40 settlers, but all of the Residential plots are multi-person homes to cut down on the buildings. I have one of each available Agriculture plots, Mechanical plots, Municipal plots, Commercial plots, Recreational plots and so far only one defense plot. I'm using turrets on stacked foundation stones spread around the island for offensive defense. I do have foundation stones down across all of the island in 3 levels. So that might be hurting it a bit too. I'm thinking about scrapping the whole settlement & going with less build up using foundation stones only for pathways instead.
Short answer, not very big. Though series X should perform better? Spectacle Island was my first ever SS2 settlement (I know, it makes little sense from story perspective...), started getting CTDs when lots of visitors came. Haven't been using it much since that but most of my settlements I can barely get to 15 people before issues start rolling in. Like, basic city plans should be compatible with "most systems" but when everything is level 3, I guess xbox one stops being on that list.
Short answer, not very big. Though series X should perform better? Spectacle Island was my first ever SS2 settlement (I know, it makes little sense from story perspective...), started getting CTDs when lots of visitors came. Haven't been using it much since that but most of my settlements I can barely get to 15 people before issues start rolling in. Like, basic city plans should be compatible with "most systems" but when everything is level 3, I guess xbox one stops being on that list.
Would turning off Visiting Tourist help? I know it would cut down on my Cap income, but to be honest I'm at a point where I don't need Caps to get buy. I have more of a problem trying to sell what I loot than needing to buy anything.
Short answer, not very big. Though series X should perform better? Spectacle Island was my first ever SS2 settlement (I know, it makes little sense from story perspective...), started getting CTDs when lots of visitors came. Haven't been using it much since that but most of my settlements I can barely get to 15 people before issues start rolling in. Like, basic city plans should be compatible with "most systems" but when everything is level 3, I guess xbox one stops being on that list.
I personally feel that Spectacle Island makes the most since. Besides mirelurks any enemy would need a boat to get to you. ( That is if they didn't just spawn onto the island. LoL! ) As far as I know it has the biggest land area for farming & civil growth too. With the right offensive defense & possible the addition of walls it would have the potential of rivaling Diamond City. ( Think of the baseball games... the Spectacle Island Mirelurks vs the Diamond City Rad Roaches. ) Of course, all that only matters if the game took those concepts into consideration, which it doesn't. I feel there's only a few settlements large enough to be more than a homestead. But I digress. LoL! Thank you again for the info.
No problem! I did have a raider attack just after sending Archon there. Guess they did get a boat.
Well it kinda makes little sense how settlers themselves get there without said boat... Though there are a few building plans that feature them. Or maybe they're all just synths and teleport in. Or swim!
(but let's face it, nothing in this game makes sense, like diamond city being in a middle of warzone yet caravans somehow travel there, also there's supermutants banging on the door but they're scared of the institute... ok...)
Setting max visitors to 5 or 0 would probably help, though disabling completely means no uniques (I guess?), so that was never an option for me. There are a few other performance options but not sure how much it helps overall. Also Spectacle uses several cells so you might have some weird stuff going on like bed count going down and up as you go from one corner of the island to the other.
No problem! I did have a raider attack just after sending Archon there. Guess they did get a boat.
Well it kinda makes little sense how settlers themselves get there without said boat... Though there are a few building plans that feature them. Or maybe they're all just synths and teleport in. Or swim!
(but let's face it, nothing in this game makes sense, like diamond city being in a middle of warzone yet caravans somehow travel there, also there's supermutants banging on the door but they're scared of the institute... ok...)
Setting max visitors to 5 or 0 would probably help, though disabling completely means no uniques (I guess?), so that was never an option for me. There are a few other performance options but not sure how much it helps overall. Also Spectacle uses several cells so you might have some weird stuff going on like bed count going down and up as you go from one corner of the island to the other.
I haven't had the bed count issue, but I have had Water, Power, Food & Defense issues when I'm on the far southern side of the island. The numbers will drop significantly. I figured there were some wonky game mechanics going on with that, because if I just run back to the north the numbers will go back up for a time. Yeah, Diamond City doesn't make sense in it's location to me either, and with just a few guards on patrol. I had been using the Clean & Clear Commonwealth mod so it put a boat at any settlements that were on the water. So far I've seen Spectacle Island, the Castle & the Lighthouse all have boat docks with what looks like working boats. They just don't move. LoL! To be honest though, I just can't wait for the Fallout London DLC mod. I won't a new story & new location.
Yeah, cells unloading (with all the plots in them) will cause that. Those cells are shared with Castle and Warwick too so may lead to CTD if overbuilt... at least from what I've gathered here. My Castle broke a lot but never cause of that.
This is a bit off the rails but do you still only get 2GB space on series X? Cause there's really not a lot of space for any big mods. My load order is packed to the limit right now and that's without a lot of stuff i'd rather have but had to sacrifice.
Yeah, cells unloading (with all the plots in them) will cause that. Those cells are shared with Castle and Warwick too so may lead to CTD if overbuilt... at least from what I've gathered here. My Castle broke a lot but never cause of that.
This is a bit off the rails but do you still only get 2GB space on series X? Cause there's really not a lot of space for any big mods. My load order is packed to the limit right now and that's without a lot of stuff i'd rather have but had to sacrifice.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they didn't increase the the amount of space. There are some mods I would like to try, but can't as long as I have Sim Settlements 2 downloaded. ... When the Fallout London mod DLC comes out I will be re-evaluating which mods I have at least long enough to play it. LoL!
Specticle Island is actually a couple cell's between the two sides IIRC. It like leaving the settlement for a second while the cells load and unload even though you are not.
This if you go from one side say the side with the boat and the queen to the side with the house your crossing cells. Anything build on one side will unload when traveling to the other side so stuff like power can get cut off.

it would be better to build it like 2 settlements or just build on one of the cells and not split power between them

also I’ve never done well with anything more then 10-15 settlers max and visitors set to 0-5.