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Automatron Robot Companions SPECIAL Stats

Unknown Zombie

Active Member
It took me a while to nail down what was happening to my robot companion's carry weight. It seemed like I would build one and it would just randomly get its carry weight capacity nuked. I even had some robots I built that couldn't carry anything because their carryweight actor value was negative!

I finally figured out that it was SS2 overwriting the SPECIAL stats on these robots via the setting that randomizes Settler SPECIAL stats. And because robot companion's carry weight can already be pretty anemic by itself with unmodified SPECIAL stats depending on the parts you use (and on top of that I always play Survival difficulty which cuts their carry weight even more), having the robot's Strength attribute cut down to 1 or 2 can make them nearly useless.

I like the SPECIAL stat rolling on settlers so they're all unique because they're people who understandably have different circumstances in their life that could influence what they're good at, etc.

But I think that the SPECIAL stat re-rolling system should overlook crafted robot companions. These robots are manufactured with specific specs, they are constructed using known techniques and materials that produce desired outcomes.
Thanks for the suggestion.

I wasn't able to use the mod because of the way it balances low base stats on the robot's body and adds on stats based on buffed vanilla parts. Because I use a mod that adds more parts for robots and I didn't want to go through the whole list of additional parts trying to add stats to the parts that I thought were fitting.

But I was able to look at the mod to see how it circumvented the SPECIAL randomization (with SS2_Tag_StatsRolled keyword) and apply that to a small patch of my own.
Thanks for the suggestion.

I wasn't able to use the mod because of the way it balances low base stats on the robot's body and adds on stats based on buffed vanilla parts. Because I use a mod that adds more parts for robots and I didn't want to go through the whole list of additional parts trying to add stats to the parts that I thought were fitting.

But I was able to look at the mod to see how it circumvented the SPECIAL randomization (with SS2_Tag_StatsRolled keyword) and apply that to a small patch of my own.
Anyway you could hook me up with that patch?
Anyway you could hook me up with that patch?
Here you go.

Be advised that it is an edit to the base record for Automatron robots, so it will conflict with anything else that modifies that record. It's a dirty workaround but since I made it for my own game and I know what is or isn't making changes to stuff it was fine for my needs. You may have to examine the records with xEdit and merge changes or just look at what I did and apply it to your own solution.

(All I did was add the SS2_Tag_StatsRolled keyword to the base robot model record.)


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